Samvera Tech Call 2022-03-02
Meeting Logistics:
Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT
Zoom Meeting URL:
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Agenda (meeting notes below)
Bixby Offense Review : Hyrax offenses on rubocop1 branch (@Chris Colvard )
Who is using Browse Everything with cloud storage adapters; maintenance priorities (@James Griffin , Jonathan Rochkind)
ActiveFedrora 13.2.6 and RDF 3.2.5 (@Chris Colvard)
3 Hyrax tests are failing with these newer versions of gems (See
Appears to be issue with seconds precision beyond milliseconds
Is this important to fix or were the tests too broad to start with?
Should ActiveFedora 13.2.6 be yanked?
See response from developer in RDF Issue #434
Proposed infrastructure for seeding release data PR #5472 (@Lynette Rayle
question_authority Maintenance (@James Griffin)
Moderator: @Anna Headley
Notetaker: @James Griffin
@Heather Greer Klein (Samvera Community)
@Chris Colvard (Indiana University)
Eddie Rubeiz (Science Heritage Institute)
@jrochkind (Science Heritage Institute)
@Thomas Scherz (Cincinnati)
@Lynette Rayle (Cornell)
@Daniel Pierce (Indiana University)
@Juliet Hardesty (Indiana University)
@Max Kadel (UNC Chapel Hill)
@Michael Johnson (Indiana University)
Meeting Process
Bixby Upgrade for Rubocop
Chris is continuing from the last release, rubocop 1.x upgrade
This will maintain bixby as much as possible, and this will be the easiest path forward for the Gem
Hyrax was run against this, and there were 86 offenses
There was a second PR for corrections which weren’t autocorrectable
Request for feedback
There are modifications for the bixby configuration
These can be ported into a bixby PR
Most of the changes are autocorrectable
Feedback on the Call:
Some did not mind continuing to use bixby for now
Do we want a Working Group for further decisions regarding style guidelines and standards?
This is definitely desirable once rubocop 1.x is supported
Best Practices
Chris will push the changes from Hyrax into the bixby PR
BE gem work
questions about how BE is being used in community - cloud vs file system
survey shows that there is use of forked adaptors, Amazon S3, and IU has Google Drive interest (Julie: this is moving to OneDrive, or at least away from Google)
Thomas would like to join group, use BE 1.0 with Box, Dropbox, Google, and localhost - aspiring to OneDrive
BE great for large file ingest (towards TB sized)
came up from pledged hours (1 week’s worth) for BE work
There are many issues with reconciliation for the browse-everything
Organizations are going to need to continue using various branches, and forks of various branches
Science History Institute aims to address Rails 7.0 support
JavaScript support for sprockets, and, ideally, support for Webpack, Import Maps, and other Rails 7 solutions
There is not enough time for contributing a refactoring of the JavaScript, but this is desirable (preferably dropping jQuery)
Science History Institute needs review for PRs
James can commit to this
ActiveFedora and RDF
Release of RDF which broke some internals
This is due to a monkey-patch to support Fedora 4, which needed to be addressed
This led to a new release for the active_fedora Gem
This may have triggered test failures for Hyrax (there are three failures)
Chris please requests some assistance for inspecting the failing tests
Lynette confirmed that the failing tests are related to the failing tests
RDF Gem needed a PR, Lynette did offer a PR and corresponded with Greg Kellogg (maintainer)
Chris and Lynette can collaborate on this
Should this release be yanked from RubyGems?
Another patch release can be issued as an alternative
Some do lean towards to pinning
, as the level of precision for specifying DateTime values might impact the code baseThis would require the yanking the release from RubyGems
Yanking the release was determined to be the best path forward
Contributors can also provide guidance for pinning releases within the documentation perhaps?
Infrastructure for Seeding Release Dates
Lynette has been advancing this
Seeds directory can become cluttered very quickly, and it can be difficult to override this for custom seeds used for tests
Sets a pattern in Hyrax for overriding custom seed data in custom Hyrax implementations
This clears all repository metadata and the Rails application database
Feedback is requested please
call for outstanding work on QA gem - are there issues to prioritize for pledged hours from Science Institute folks?
Contact James with these issues
Next Samvera Tech. Call
Requests for Support
Hyku support request from Eric Phetteplace
@Kevin Kochanski will be contacted for a requested for assistance