Samvera Tech Call 2022-11-02
Samvera Tech Call 2022-11-02
Meeting Logistics:
Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT
Zoom Meeting URL: https://princeton.zoom.us/j/7739591625
(link will launch Zoom client – if you do not have Zoom, expand the instructions below)
Agenda (meeting notes below)
Promoting node-iiif and serverless-iiif out of samvera-labs; eligibility criteria for both (@Michael B. Klein )
I have a workgroup meeting with our new dean that conflicts with this call, so please defer this item until the next (11/9) meeting. ~ @Michael B. Klein
Tell Xeumao, that Thomas says, Hi. @Thomas Scherz
<add your agenda item here (your name)>
Moderator: @Daniel Pierce
Notetaker: @Jeremy Friesen
@Thomas Scherz (Cincinnati)
Meeting Process
No additional topics.
Next week's facilitator: @Chris Colvard
Next week’s note taker: @Thomas Scherz
, multiple selections available,