Samvera Tech Call 2022-01-12

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Meeting ID: 773 959 1625

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Meeting ID: 773 959 1625

Agenda (meeting notes below)


Moderator: @Max Kadel

Notetaker:  @Chris Colvard


  • @Heather Greer Klein

  • @Juliet Hardesty

  • @Max Kadel , UNC-CH

  • @Chris Colvard (Indiana University)

  • @Thomas Scherz

  • @Lynette Rayle

  • @Collin Brittle

  • you!

Meeting Process

  1. Standing pre-agenda items (moderator)

    1. Welcome

      • "Welcome everyone, please add your name to the Attendees list.  If you are unable to do so, please let us know, and someone will add you. To any newcomers, Welcome, and please feel free to ask questions. Likewise for all attendees. We strive for an open and accessible conversation around Samvera technology."

    2. Call for new agenda items

  2. Follow Agenda from above (facilitated by moderator) and record notes in Notes section below (note taker)

  3. Standing post-agenda items (moderator)

    1. call for next moderator and note taker (moderator)

      1. Moderator:

      2. Notetaker:

    2. Samvera help follow-up (moderator)

    3. Pull request review (moderator)

  4. Post-meeting action (note taker)

    1. After call, this week's notetaker should create the agenda for the next call:

      1. Open template agenda titled "Samvera Tech Call 2021-xx-xx"

      2. Click on ... in the top right corner, and select copy.

      3. Popup will open for location. It should contain:

        1. Space: Samvera

        2. Parent page: 2021

      4. Select copy. New page should be created.

      5. Modify the title to remove "copy of", update it with the next date, add moderator, notetaker, and any carry-over agenda info. Click Publish. 


  • Faraday 2.0 release

    • most Samvera gems are restricted to below Faraday 1.0

    • Lynette upgrading QA to Faraday 2.0

    • Blacklight also looking to upgrade

      • another Faraday release might have restored backwards-compatibility

    • Faraday is middle layer over HTTP libraries, moved connectors out to separate gems but might have changed default back to what it was befroe

    • Need someone to review this, upgrade to latest Faraday release, and see if anything breaks or if we’re good

      • just in Hyrax or test other things as well?

      • LDP and ActiveFedora use this as well

      • Component Maintenance WG not formed up yet again but there is a Slack channel

    • Lynette’s understanding, 1.0 had default set and 2.0 doesn’t have a default set

      • could possibly set default in Hyrax which would also set things for any related gems, so it might just be solved with Hyrax change only (if change is needed)

      • need to create issue, good for Component Maintenance WG, not sure this is urgent right now

    • Chris write issue, send through CMWG, maybe work on during Dev Congress

    • Not a concern for Hyrax release

  • Proposed iCLA process

    • Will be discussed at partners meeting this Friday

    • Heather has been investigated and done some testing of proposed process

    • Current process is cumbersome, slow, and error prone

    • Proposed process will have a bot monitoring PRs and automatically let new contributors how to e-sign iCLA and send Heather an email

    • Downside is users who have signed iCLA but haven’t contributed yet will be flagged by the bot

      • Heather should be able to resolve this or developers can reference list of contributors

    • List of all contributors with iCLA on file will be in read-only google sheet instead of current wiki page

    • Question: Could this bot check for two factor auth?

      • Heather doesn’t think so

      • Requirement for 2FA needs a larger conversation

        • Require for at least admin functions?

        • How would a 2FA requirement affect contributors?

  • Stale PRs in Hyrax

    • A number just got marked as stale and will be closed in 2 weeks…do we want to keep any of them open?

    • Should we review stale PRs at dev congress?

    • When PRs are closed by stale bot the branch is left so it is easy for the contributor to reopen the PR

    • Maybe the wait time for marking PRs stale should be increased? Or is stale bot still relevant?

    • Further discuss at dev congress?

  • Next week:

    • Moderator: @Heather Greer Klein

    • Notetaker: @Juliet Hardesty