2022-04-08 Partner Call




Samvera Partners Call

Friday, April 8th, 2022

11:30 am  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-05:00)  |  1 hr

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  • +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)           

  • +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)     

Meeting ID: 964 6146 1639

Code of Conduct

We want Samvera Community to be a fun, informative, engaging event for all our partners and participants.

  1. We encourage everyone to apply the Samvera community principles of openness, inquiry, and respect in their interactions at the event.

  2. Please review the Code of Conduct and Anti-Harassment Policy.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to community helpers

Facilitator: @Heather Greer Klein

Note Taker: @Carolyn Caizzi


  • @John Weise

  • @Tim Lepczyk

  • @Chris Awre

  • @Alicia Morris

  • @Nora Zimmerman

  • @Nabeela Jaffer

  • @Thomas Scherz

  • @Karen Cariani

  • @Hannah Frost

  • @Kevin Kochanski

  • @Brian McBride

  • @Rick Johnson

  • @Harriett Green

  • @david.schober

  • @Esmé Cowles

  • @Jon Dunn (joined late)

  • @Kirsten Leonard

  • @Stuart Kenny

  • @Glen Horton

Agenda & Notes

  1. Any other items for the agenda? 

  2. Demo: COLMEX Repository of Disappeared Persons in Mexico
    Most interested in the idea of one body/repository with different views (metadata and collections). Looked at Spotlight, but it duplicates content. Created views working off metadata, with view.js  Uses a filtered view of the repository. Wanted to automate assignment of collection. Hyrax vanilla didn’t allow for this, a manual application of collection is needed. Alberto asked for feedback and any help.

    Princeton shared similar struggle—they  synchronized their Spotlight instance with their repository and uses IIIF.

  3. Contributor License Agreements – is this still a Community necessity?

    1. Board discussed a document created by Fedora concerning the costs and benefits of CLAs

    2. Fedora CLA document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1upgaq5QOT4GwpSpVg4fZoWrTyRQRAm9LPjbfy8Nxli8/edit?usp=sharing

    3. OASIS Open legal counsel says that requiring CLAs is purely a Samvera decision and they have no concerns either way.

    4. Has a university ever come after code submitted in open source? The universities would have to get together to say this is code that they own.
      Discussion: Developers tend to feel like the cCLA is sometimes a barrier as legal counsels have to review. DSpace has never had CLAs. What advantages are from the CLA?  Apache was a model. Clear rights transfer was an advantage since universities have different policies regarding work for hire, etc. Does Apache still require for contributors? Does it for committers, need to confirm. Talk to DSpace folks about it. Seems like it is a risk assessment.

      Actions: HK will reach out to DSpace and look at Apache’s guidelines. Other intentions from original set up of community. Board will do a formal risk assessment based on the info gathered.

  4. Connect 2023 Host institution needed

  5. Community Guidelines Draft (@Hannah Frost )
    Feedback requested before Virtual Connect. Quick feedback in mtg: Having a positive statement about our values is really nice to see.

  6. Other Updates:

    1. Hyrax Tech Lead and Product Owner open positions

    2. Rails 6, Blacklight 7, Bootstrap 4 Bootstrap 5 dependency work needed on Hyrax – see Julie’s message to the community

    3. Partners Meeting agenda – still subject to adjustments. What else would you like to discuss?

    4. Samvera Virtual Connect CFP reminder – registration opens Monday!

    5. Samvera Connect 2022 update – committee members needed. Carolyn and Alberto volunteered.

    6. Samvera Developer Congress, May 16 - 20, 2022

    7. Annual Report 2021

  7. Anything for the Samvera Board? (Standing item)

  8. Date of next call: Partners Meeting May 2-3; no call on May 13th

  9. Notetaker for June call: @Nabeela Jaffer