Green Library at Stanford

Green Library at Stanford

This page has information for the Samvera meetings at Stanford's Green Library on March 29-30, 2018.

If you are attending the Partners meeting or the Developers Congress, read on.

Locating Green Library 

To find Green Library on the Stanford campus and in relation to shuttle stops and other campus meeting venues, see this campus map: https://custom-maps.stanford.edu/view//Maps/14946

Visitor Access 

There are two entrances to Green Library: the Bing Wing entrance facing the Main Quad and the East Wing entrance facing Meyer Green. You can use either entrance.

You must be a registered attendee of the Samvera meetings to enter Green Library. Once you check in for the first time at either entrance and gain entry, make your way to your meeting location (see below) where you can pick up your guest badge. Please wear your guest badge while in Green Library and for subsequent entries to Green Library so we can do our part to maintain secure access to the building while the Samvera Community meetings are taking place.

Meeting Rooms

Samvera Developers Congress

IC Classroom (Room 166)

Nearest entrance: Green East portal

Samvera Partners Meeting

SSRC Seminar Room (Room 121A)

Nearest entrance: Bing Wing portal

Need Help?

Samvera Partners local contact: Hannah Frost, (650) 799-1352, @hannah on Samvera Slack

Samvera Developers Congress local contact: Jack Reed, (650) 454-7398, @mejackreed on Samvera Slack

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