2017-05-30 Meeting notes

2017-05-30 Meeting notes


 11:00 AM EST at https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/curationexperts.com/documentationwg

Facilitator: Aaron Collier

Notetaker: bess


Agenda / Notes:

  1. Roll call (please log in above)
  2. Select notetaker
  3. Review project board: https://github.com/projecthydra/projecthydra.github.io/projects/1
    1. Reporting on items completed since last meeting
      1. Documentation for mediated deposit is in a PR
    2. Review status of in-process tickets
      1. Lynette Rayle will polish justin's PR about "what happens when you deposit"
      2. Lynette Rayle will also continue working on "best practices for module includes" 
    3. Discuss ready items & groom backlog
      1. Any new items needed?
      2. What should be moved to ready?
  4. Other agenda:
    1. Should we have placeholder pages? 
      1. It can be confusing that we have lots of blank pages
      2. Let's keep them but add a disclaimer on the front saying that this is a work in progress
    2. Let's have an A-Z glossary / index
      1. Lynette Rayle is going to look into what it might take to do this
    3. Let's re-organize how the top level menu works
      1. ticket created
  5. Next meeting: June 13
  6. Pick facilitator / notetaker for next time
    1. Facilitator: Jennifer Lindner
    2. Notetaker: LaRita Robinson

Action items 


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