Conclusions of the Samvera Documentation WG

Conclusions of the Samvera Documentation WG

Thank You!

A very big thank you to all who participated in the working group, and to those who have provided content, edited content, or asked for content.

What we did

The two primary outcomes of this working group were:

  1. Creation of Bixby, a gem that specifies a set of common Rubocop rules that can be used by Samvera projects (e.g. Hyrax), with the goal of making coding style more uniform across Samvera repositories.
  2. Creation of, contribution to, and maintenance of a primary documentation website at samvera.github.io, with the goal of providing a central location for documentation about the Samvera development community and it's numerous products.

Bixby was successful and, at this time, is used in the following Samvera projects:

  • hyrax
  • questioning-authority
  • browse-everything
  • hydra-editor
  • iiif_manifest
  • hydra-role-management

The documentation site at samvera.github.io was established, and now has about 80 pages of Hyrax documentation for developers, managers, and DevOps. It also has some docs for the Samvera developer community.

Primary activities included:

  • Gathering, editing, and creating content.
  • Tweaking content organization and style in Jekyll.
  • Adding Jekyll features for better discoverability.

At the time of this writing, samvera.github.io has had 515 commits, most of which are additions or modifications of content.

What we didn't

Two of the three objectives stated in the working group's charter were not really addressed:

  • Increase inline documentation coverage and improve quality for repositories under https://github.com/samvera.
  • Define community expectations for coverage and quality of documentation.

In retrospect, the scope for the working group was too ambitious, and we were only able to focus on a limited set of deliverables.

Furthermore, as is often the case, working group members eventually had to focus on other priorities, leading to a drop in available development time. As a result, a lot of things were left on the backlog.


What became apparent during this working group, is that the amount of work required to address all the remaining Samvera documentation needs is beyond the scope of a single working group. Therefore, we are starting a new Samvera Documentation Interest Group to pick up where this working group left off. The role of the IG will be to continue the discussion of what needs to be done to make Samvera documentation better, and then organize the work to do it.

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