Time | Item | Who | Notes |
| Decide on frequency of calls |
| - Calls every 2 weeks
- Goal: 30 minutes per call
- People will take on specific deliverables between calls
- Every other Tuesday at 11am US Eastern, starting May 2
| What's our timeframe? |
| - 4 months to start with
- By then we should know whether this is worth continuing
- Let's keep scope tight especially at first
| Pick facilitator |
| Tracking tasks: https://github.com/projecthydra/projecthydra.github.io/projects/1 |
| Objectives: - Increase inline documentation coverage (projecthydra only)
- YARD vs anything else?
- Define community expectations
- How do we capture the gap between what people need to know and what's currently documented?
- "How to ask for help" – How do we stop answering the same questions over and over again?
- Do we want to set up a stack overflow?
- It could be a way to uncover questions that aren't being answered
- It could link back to projecthydra.github.io
- Establish projecthydra.github.io as home for instructional documentation
| - You can read more about YARD here:
- Can we make a documentation best practices document?