2017-11-28 Meeting Agenda & Notes

2017-11-28 Meeting Agenda & Notes


 11:00 AM EST at https://cornell.zoom.us/j/703126880

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Topic: Samvera Documentation WG
Time: this is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

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Facilitator: bess

Notetaker: rsteans


Agenda / Notes:

  1. Roll call (please log in above)
  2. Review project board: https://github.com/projecthydra/projecthydra.github.io/projects/1
    1. Reporting on items completed since last meeting
    2. Review status of in-process tickets
    3. Discuss ready items & groom backlog
      1. Any new items needed?
      2. What should be moved to ready?
  3. Other agenda:
    1. (add your items here)
    2. Follow-up on proposal for Ryan's time
      1. Coordinating Interviews start:  https://docs.google.com/a/u.northwestern.edu/spreadsheets/d/1mJn4uCXTvZjs3FMlc0nMw7cZyVAYdcTK__4Xs0_mkU4/edit?usp=sharing
      2. Contacted Evviva about potential funding 11/22
      3. contacting jeckyll theme developer (not yet started)
    3. Hannah Frost regarding coordinating Hyku documentation
  4. Pick facilitator / notetaker for next time
    1. Notetaker is responsible to copy template agenda into a new agenda for next meeting and add any followup items immediately.


  1. Discussion re: project board items
  2. Other discussion
  3. Facilitator & Notetaker for next meeting
    1. Facilitator:
    2. Notetaker:

Action items 

Jen:  Will contact Tom Johnson regarding potential email interview

Jen:  Will craft email interview based on how to perform a task - adding actors (demo how it works when you add an actor)

Ryan:  Will add Jen's project steps to the Board

Drew:  Make sure all documentation on Jekyll page is findable, navigable to Actor components

Rough draft of notes:

Looking at Project Board - 

In progress, a bunch of things about Bess.  Bess needs to go back and decide whether open tickets will happen.  Workflow has changed to a point where maybe these don't make sense to do.  Add an A-Z index has been closed, so we can change that.

Larita:  Looking at that, looked like a push-to-committ referenced that.  What is notch-8?  Manager's one?

Bess:  Has this been merged?  How can you tell if something has been merged?  All of the commits there are in Master.

Bess:  Anything else on deck that people want to talk about?

LaRita:  Looking at pull requests out there.  Jeremy has one.  Just leave this open until we get the issue responded to.  Haven't worked on issue because working on Collection issue.

Bess:  Looks like the other one Justin was working on.  

Any other agenda items?

From meeting 11/21 -

Action Items: Ryan to coordinate pilot and contacting experts and interviewers.  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mJn4uCXTvZjs3FMlc0nMw7cZyVAYdcTK__4Xs0_mkU4/edit?usp=sharing

Action Items:  Ryan will look into amount and source of funding for documentation work as mentioned was available at the Partners' Meeting

Action Items:  Ryan will contact person who developed our jekyll theme and ask about doing additional work

Jen's Interview with Tom as First Step -

Discussion about what to start with - easiest item with which to begin is:  email interview with Jen Lindner and Tom Johnson on Patterns: Actor

Jen will start with Tom - will write up what they know about?  How do we know this is successful?  Jen:  I have some familiairty with this topic.  We can leave up to the expert to say we're done, or we can have the new developer work with the expert developer.  Or get feedback from Documentation WG.

Bess:  Less interested in knowing everthing about ACTOR stack, and more interested in accomplishing a specific task with ACTOR stack.  

Goal is modify an actor.

Jen:  Modify the ACTOR is one level of thoroughness.  Modify ACTOR stack, might be a little tricky, do succesffully without breaking code completely.  

Andrew:  What is the most common interaction between developer customizing Smavera and the stack?  Should I be modifying or adding to the Stack?

Andrew:  Tom will tell you how do anything you want, but what is intended way to interact with the ACTOR stack?  

Bess:  What would you focus on?  

Andrew:  there to inject logic.  To be expandable, so how do you add your own ACTORs to stack?

Bess:  example?

Andrew:  Isn't this where derivative generation and whatnot comes in?  If you wanted to peel off a preservation copy 

Bess:  Add an actor that will take a copy of my uploaded file and send it to S3.  Actual accomplishing of that is crucial.  Not necessarily S3.  A directory.  Concrete example to know how to inject something into an actor stack.

Jen:  Lot of value to community.  

Bess:  Unless there's a different direction we're going in. 

Jen:  Get working code - how to do something.  Something to accomplish that you'd want to accomplish.  

Bess:  Good its small.  What is our citerion for success and what is question answered by the interview.  Jen - your role - do the interview, but then someone can set up the actor stack that you just described.

Let's hold off on other things until we've had a retrospective until we've talked about what went well and what we can improve for next time.

Jen:  The intention is to do it solo (answering Andrew's question).  For now, we're doing simplest thing least intimidating to a new developer.

Bess:  Let's talk to Tom on this first.  Then Jen, can you report back?

Jen:  That's fine.  Should be straightforward to do pretty quickly.  Not in one week, or today. Should be able to fit it into developers schedule.

If it works out he can do it, could possibly have something by next meeting.

Bess:  If that works out, great.

Drew:  I was going to offer - what is size of the interview?

Jen:  Just fleshed it out.  Just tell us a bit about where this pattern comes from, what is the intention of this code?  Why add an actor intead of modfying one.  What is the thing we want to get most commonly?  Example:  Put something on a differnet server from what's provided.  Derivative and characterization.  

Developer should be able to do something meaningful with this concept.  

Bess:  Provide criteria to keep focused.

Drew:  So we'll take output and doc it up?

Jen:  I'll make a Google Doc and share.

Bess:  After that it's wordsmithing.  Provide the right amount of context and structure.  

Drew:  A How To tutorial?

Bess:  Yes.  Credit interviewee.  

Bess:  Project tracking in a very small scale way.  Create a ticket and get it on the board.  (Ryan AI)

Jen:  So this is going to be a how-to interview, we have some ways to do this.  

Bess:  Metainterview information.  Here's how I prepared for the interview.  What worked well.  What didn't work as expected.  

Drew:  Any existing tutorials around ACTOR stack?

Jen:  Tom did a modification a while back and had some good documentation?

Bess:  Where is it?

Jen:  It's in left-menu on Samvera GitHub - might be one of the intros.  Might be it's own link.  Also adding to Hyrax (a year ago?) Justin gave a good talk and there was documentation.

Bess:  a slide show?

Jen:  We have the slideshow and more than that.  

Bess:  Another criteria for success.  If I wanted to look at ACTOR stack I wouldn't know where to go.  A-Z has ACTOR stack for work. 

Jen:  This is not part of the interview process.

Bess;  Right.  Done criteria should include - when I go to the documentation site, I can find the ACTOR stack info.  That's criteria for us turning this into public consumption.

Drew:  Where are the tutorials?

LaRita:  In New Start section, but all of them don't work.  I created an issue for that at one point.  Dive Deeper Into Samvera - http://samvera.github.io/what-happens-view.html has been put in, but doesn't function.  All I get is http://samvera.github.io/deeper_samvera_index.html

Looks like 2 different places with slideshow.  

Drew:  Works for me.

LaRita:  Not for me.  

Bess:  Just getting the title.  

Drew:  Just use the arow keys.

All:  Oh!  There it works.  We need to document how this works.

LaRita:  make a page in here that links to the slideshow - use your arrow keys to go through it.  Make sure these are navigable and make sure they're up.

Drew:  I'll make the tickets.

Finding ACTOR stuff.

Bess:  Allright.  We're at the end of this topic.  

Drew:  Want to make sure we're not duplicating effort.  

Jen:  Not in any danger of that.  A new developer wants to interview on a topic.  Could happen there's something there that's referred to.  

Bess:  What's here is better than nothing, but is not complete.  There's a method but no stack mentioned in what's there.  

Jen:  There's good documentation in the code, but not available to new users as a how to.  Where's more reading?  etc...  

Drew:  Look for docs in English and then look to Ruby Docs as I want to dig deeper.

Jen:  From framework of when people have have time, and need to learn good, concrete details.  

Bess:  About end of time and end of content.  

AI:  Jen's work and Ryan's project tracking.  

Pick facilitators and note takers for next time.  

Travis will atke notes next time.  Drew can facilitate next time.  

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