2017-06-13 Meeting notes

2017-06-13 Meeting notes


 11:00 AM EST at https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/curationexperts.com/documentationwg

Facilitator:  Jennifer Lindner

Notetaker:  LaRita Robinson



  1. Roll call (please log in above)
  2. Review project board: https://github.com/projecthydra/projecthydra.github.io/projects/1
    1. Reporting on items completed since last meeting
    2. Review status of in-process tickets
    3. Discuss ready items & groom backlog
      1. Any new items needed?
      2. What should be moved to ready?
  3. Other agenda:
    1. Call for IG and WG updates
    2. (add your items here)
  4. Pick facilitator / notetaker for next time
    1. Facilitator:
    2. Notetaker:


  1. Our objectives:
    1. We have been focusing more on the github.io site and haven't really worked on the inline documentation agenda item.
    2. Questions for the next iteration of the working group might include
      1. evaluating what documentation should remain in the wiki vs on github.io
      2.  setting specific guidelines regarding developer inline documentation to be included as part of review process (we 
  2. Discussion re: project board
    1. Versioning on documentation
      1. Justin has been adding some documentation for v2.0. Lynette added some for 1.0. It is important to keep track of stable branch as well as versions.
      2. Goal is to have all documentation for the stable version, with a link on the page rather than a separate left-column menu item for the link to any other versions.
      3. Homepage needs a note that documentation refers to general hyrax across all versions, unless specifically noted as version-specific.
      4. Review criteria for documentation PR's needs to include version information when relevant.
    2. Issues achieved in past sprint:
      1. Lynette added classes to show the info box, and will add detail about using classes to the "customizing" page.
      2. Justin took care of updating many samvera links via ticket 90. Ticket 83 remains for other link changes.
      3. Jennifer made a ticket to make an info box on the homepage regarding versions. Also added some rubocop documentation, how to ask for help, some PR's about samvera links
      4. Jennifer added a ticket to the backlog for linking to basic wiki documentation sites. We do not anticipate moving any actual information at this point.
    3. There are 4 tickets on the ready board to work on for next sprint:
      1. Changing names to samvera (#83)
      2. Try to do one new content thing per week to keep it moving along.
        1. Best practices
        2. First draft on patterns (#75)
        3. Need to create tickets for each page placeholder page on the site
      3. Possibly increase focus on developer community information
        1. recommendations, "good ideas", tie in to best practices
        2. add links to duraspace pages regarding community
        3. All of these might be useful for the virtual samvera-connect report
  3.  Virtual Samvera Connect
    1. Jennifer created ticket 97 for gathering information to present. Not necessary to put issue into ready column at this point.
    2. Bess, Jennifer, or Drew will do the actual reporting, to be decided at next meeting
  4. Next meeting
    1. Facilitator  LaRita Robinson
    2. Notetaker  Jennifer Lindner

Action items: 
