Metadata Call 2016-02-10

Metadata Call 2016-02-10

Time: 10:00 am PST / 1:00 pm EST

Call-In Info: +1 (641) 715 3660, access code 651025 

Moderator:  Juliet Hardesty (Indiana University) 
  mcmillwh (Univ. of Cincinnati)

  1. Subgroup reports
    1. Descriptive Working Group
      1. on hiatus until next meeting on 2/17
      2. next meeting will include updates on recent work at NYU that may impact tutorial lesson contents
    2. MODS and RDF Descriptive Metadata Subgroup
      1. MODS and RDF Call 2016-02-08 - notes from last meeting
        1. discussed MODS:abstract element
        2. dcterms:extent vs. bibframe:extent
    3. Applied Linked Data Working Group
    4. Segment of a File Working Group
      1. no feedback on draft received from outside of the group
      2. Julie will check with group members to determine if recommendations are final

  2. Issues/Questions
    1. none
  3. Review Metadata IG Requests and Priorities
    1. New item for ontology question from Samvera GIS Data Modeling Working Group
      1. James: While modeling geospatial assets, began to model ActiveFedora objects and their respective attributes
      2. began to integrate GeoRSS, but found that extensions for RDF were abandoned, so solution was not feasible
      3. discussed possibility of structuring an extension of GeoRSS in RDF
        1. could this be published on opaquenamespace.org?
        2. GeoRSS is something that could be used if it had an RDF expression, but it currently doesn't. 
          1. was it discussed at GeoBlacklight Summit?
            1. briefly. For the purposes of expediting a prototype, they're using a placeholder URI in the Data Modeling Group
            2. The Data Modeling Working Group is part of the Geospatial Interest Group that may get together to create an ontology based on GeoRSS. This will need a namespace.
        3. Opaquenamespace.org seems reasonable to start with, but it will be necessary to continue with data modeling and vocabulary
          1. It would be ideal if projecthydra.org could have rdf vocabularies there and this would emphasize the community aspect
      4. the DPLA profile makes use of W3C's Basic Geo for altitude, latitude, longitude
        1. for things that DPLA maps to, does it make sense to consider using alt, lat, long and then using GeoRSS for things W3C isn't covering?
          1. if the purpose is to share it outside GeoBlacklight
      5. James has enough info to move forward  and can discuss with the Data Modeling Group
        1. if an ontology is likely to be developed, opaquenamespace is likely to be used
  4. Additional Items
    1. at Hydra Developer Congress in SD, there was lots of talk about how PCDM maps to IIIF
      1. recognition that there are flaw in implementation
      2. there will be a development effort to have PCDM objects that generate IIIF manifests automatically
      3. work to pull the notion of a book out of plum and move it into curation concerns or a separate gem
    2. Further discussion re: dcterms:extent vs. bib frame:extent
      1. is it better to use dc:extent with text strings like everyone else or is it better to use it as specified?
        1. Esmé and Julie suggest following community practice and not going with dcterms:extent as defined
      2. any examples of someone using it as defined?
        1. none suggested

  5. Action Items
    1. next meeting will be in 2 weeks on 2/24

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