February 10, 2017

February 10, 2017


Hydra Partners Call (January 2017)
Friday, February 10, 2017 
11:30 am  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-05:00)  |  1 hr 
Meeting number: 737 192 431 
Meeting password:h9cwrT45
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Access code: 737 192 431 

Facilitator: Carolyn Caizzi
Notetaker: newmanld

Event Recording



  1. Welcome to newcomer's (1-2 min.) No roll call, but please add your name to attendees list below.

  2. Presentations (30 min)
    1. URI Selection Working Group (Julie H and Karen E, 10 minutes), URI working group white paper
      Karen Estlund stated that the recommendations in the white paper represent a significant commitment for the Hydra community and urged all to review and comment upon the URI working group white paper.  There will be a standing working group to approve these URIs.  Rick Johnson commented that the results with a formal predicate schema seem very well done.  Karen added that comments are needed by the end of the month.

    2. Rebranding the Hydra Project (RichardG/Steering Group, 15 minutes)

      From Richard Green's earlier email: 

      "You will be aware that we have been attempting to trademark the Hydra “product” in the US and in Europe.  During this process we became aware of MPDV, a German company that has a wide ranging trademark on the use of ‘Hydra’ for computer software; their claim to the word considerably predates ours.  Given that MPDV’s product interest is in control systems, a quite different area of software, our lawyers attempted to reach a co-existence agreement with them but they have refused and are now requiring us to cease all use of the word Hydra including any phonetic equivalent.  Our lawyers, backed by a second opinion from counsel at Indiana University, advise that we cannot successfully fight this requirement.  MPDV have given us six months to complete a rebranding program."

      Debra Hanken Kurtz indicated that we think the scope is limited to the 'Hydra' name.   We will do a search before choosing a new name so that we are sure we do not run into this issue again.  We should think big picture and think broadly about the rebranding.  

      Tom Cramer shared to the partner elist earlier a well-received list of criteria that the Hybox team used when selecting a name for the software product.  

      The possibility of working with a firm to help us re-brand is under consideration.  The Steering Group is recommending that there be two project coordinators - one to oversee all of the changes that need to be done on the admin and management side of things, and one to oversee all of the changes that need to be done on the code/software development side.  Richard is volunteering for help with the admin and management side, and asked for a volunteer to help with the code/software development side.   

      Debra added that the attorneys expect the name in code to evolve as we update the code - retroactively scrubbing "hydra" from the code does not have to be done.  Richard added that we do not have to rewrite history and pretend that the Hydra name never existed - we simply need to stop using it moving forward.

      Robin Ruggaber asked if people will need to resign MOUs and CLAs.  Richard answered that he hoped not.  He thinks the CLAs are definitely ok.  He doesn't want to make a snap judgment about the MOU - we need to look at it - but if we can avoid asking existing partners to sign a new MOU we will avoid it.

      Linda Newman asked about the strategy for determining a name.  And whether the name of the community could evolve to be different from the repository framework product name.  Mark Bussey indicated that the Steering Committee was looking at whether a partner institution has the resources to work with us, or whether we need an outside firm.  Richard commented that he agreed that considering a distinction between the product and the process/community name was an important and valid consideration at this point.

      Mark stressed that Hydra Partners are encouraged to talk to their local marketing folks and to let Steering know if there are possible collaborative resources.

      Rick commented that if we do involve a consultant he hopes the process will include a feedback mechanism with the community.   Karen added that we may need a deadline for getting all suggestions and arriving at a new name.  April 1 was suggested.  Legal review will need to be part of the timeline.  Richard suggested that having a direction in time for the March 30-31 Partner meeting at Stanford would be highly desirable.    Linda commented that a graphic design component to create a logo for the name also needed to be part of the timeline.   

      Debra indicated that we have agreed to the rebrand and can show that we are making progress.  If the website is changed in six months we should not be at risk.  Richard added that it is still highly desirable to have this sorted out by Open Repositories in Australia, so that presentations there could be done in the name of the new entity and OR2017 can be the start of our re-launch.  That's about five months out.  Having the new name in time for the March Partner meeting would also be highly desirable and ensure that the timeline unfolds in time for OR2017.   

      Do we need a working group to facilitate the name decision (creating surveys or other processes), or does the Steering group want to own this process?  Richard indicated that the Steering Group is still working through how they want to do this. 

      There has been discussion with names for suggestions on the Partner elist and the Slack channel (a new channel for Branding).  We want to view this not as a setback, but a chance to renew and reinvigorate our project. 


    3. Hull's proof-of-concept integration of Archivematica into the repository workflow (Richard G,15 mins)

      Hull is looking at a general purpose workflow working with a company called Cottage Labs.  They have put together a proof of concept system.  Transferring it to Hull's infrastructure proved to take two-three months time, but it is now working and demonstrates the validity of the proof of concept.  They are looking to taking it to production for 'The City of Culture'.  Hull in 2017 is the City of Culture and the University has agreed to archive all of the output of this event and project.   The repository supporting The City of Culture It will be a clone of the Hull digital repository that uses Hydra and Fedora 3.  Content goes into Hull's Box account with a description.txt or description.csv file.  Archivematica turns this into an AIP and a DIP.  The AIP is kept in Archivematica.  The DIP is pushed through the repository ingest workflow.  Library staff are involved in reviewing metadata and assigning permissions.  A third option for deposit would be to deposit a zipped folder to Box  - this was not attempted in the proof of concept but it is not seen as a difficult problem.  A link to a video about this proof of concept Archivematica integration was shared earlier today in an email from Richard to the Partners elist.

  3. Upcoming Calendar Events and Announcements: (10 min)

    1. Hackathon (Will Cowan, 5 minutes)
      For the project HydraDam2, a grant supported collaborative project with Indiana University and WGBH Boston, part of the grant plan was to do a Hackathon that involves the broader Hydra community.  They are thinking that asynchronous storage is a good theme for this Hackathon.  They have a prototype that needs further work.  It would be good on the Hydra side to develop the Hydra client side of this.  Whether it will be part of a gem, API or generator is unknown.  Please contact wgcowan to indicate your interest.  Jon Dunn added that the grant will offer limited support for participants' travel costs.  Depending on interest, this could occur with the Developers Congress in Stanford in March.   But no later than Summer.  

    2. Advanced Hydra Camp (Mark) - Mark and Shanita John are putting together a partner update that will note that there is a Hydra Camp at Emory in April, and the first ever Advanced Hydra Camp in May in Minneapolis.  There will also be a general notification to the Hydra Tech and Community elists next week.

    3. Hydra Connect (Evviva Weinraub) Northwestern will be hosting Hydra Connect November 6-9th at the Hilton Orrington on the Evanston campus.

  4. Facilitator and notetaker for March 10, 2017 Call and call for future presenters (1-2 min)
    Debra Hanken Kurtz volunteered to Facilitate.  James Griffin volunteered to take notes.


Carolyn Caizzi (Northwestern)

newmanld (Cincinnati)

wgcowan (Indiana University)

Karen Cariani (WGBH)

Richard Green (Hull)

debra hanken kurtz (DuraSpace)

James Griffin (Lafayette College Libraries)

kestlund (Penn State)

Andrew Rouner (Wash U)

Dermot Frost (Trinity College Dublin)

evviva (Northwestern)

Alicia Morris (Tufts)

Margaret Mellinger (Oregon Digital, Oregon State U) 

Jocelyn Triplett (old account) (University of Virginia)

Robin Lindley Ruggaber (University of Virginia)

shanita (DCE)

Mark Bussey (DCE)

Jon Dunn (Indiana University)

Rick Johnson (U of Notre Dame)

Nabeela Jaffer (University of Michigan)

Michael Friscia (Yale University)

asconrad (Deactivated) (Royal Danish Library)

John Weise (University of Michigan)

Lee Hunter (Virginia Tech)

Chris Awre (Hull)

Eben English (Boston Public Library)



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