August 12, 2016

August 12, 2016


Hydra Partners Call (August 2016)
Friday, August 12, 2016 
11:30 am  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)  |  1 hr 
Meeting number: 737 192 431 
Meeting password:h9cwrT45
Join from a video conferencing system or application
Dial  738605799@tufts.webex.com
Join by phone
+1-617-627-6767 US Toll
Access code: 737 192 431 

Facilitator: Mark Bussey

Notetaker: Mike Korcynski



  1. Welcome to newcomer's
  2. Call for additional agenda items
  3. Facilitator and notetaker for September 9th Call
  4. Hydra Connect 2016 Update
  5. Call for future presenters
  6. Upcoming Calendar Events: 
    1. Hydra Connect 2016 (October 3rd - 6th): Registration open 
    2. Blacklight Summit at Princeton - Nov 2-4, 2016
    3. Other?
  7. Hydra Financial Vision: 


  8. Next Call: September 9th



  1. Mark Bussey (Data Curation Experts)
  2. shanita
  3. Mike Korcynski (Tufts)
  4. Eric Luhrs (Lafayette College Libraries)
  5. Adam Malantonio (Lafayette College Libraries)
  6. James Griffin (Lafayette College Libraries)
  7. wgcowan (Indiana University)
  8. sanderson (Boston Public Library)
  9. newmanld (University of Cincinnati)
  10. Richard Green (Hull)
  11. Jocelyn Triplett (old account) (University of Virginia)
  12. Maria Whitaker (Indiana University) 
  13. Michael Joseph Giarlo (Stanford University)
  14. David Schober (Northwestern University)
  15. Karen Cariani (WGBH) 
  16. Julie Allinson (University of York)
  17. Tom Cramer (Stanford) 
  18. John Weise (University of Michigan)
  19. Nabeela Jaffer (University of Michigan)
  20. Margaret Mellinger
  21. your name here (smile)


  1. Jon Stroop
  2. asconrad (Deactivated)
  3. Fleming, Declan (Deactivated)
  4. we'll miss you if you're not with us (sad)

Event Recording


Next meeting: 9 September 2016
Facilitator: sanderson (Boston Public Library)
Notetaker: Andrew Rouner (WUSTL)

Welcome to newcomer's

  • Eric Luhrs – Lafayette College Libraries
  • Jocelyn Triplett - UVA
  • David Schober (Northwestern University)

Call for additional agenda items

Hydra Connect 2016 Update

  • Steven Anderson gave an update
  • Workshops have been finalized and that information is now available
  • Schedule is close to finalized
    • single session tuesday morning, posters in the afternoon
    • Wed. parallel tracks
    • Thursday unconference and interest groups
  • September 6th is last day of hotel rate and to register and still get a t-shirt
  • One room of the event will be live streamed for those who can not attend
    • TBD what will be broadcast
  • Registration numbers are looking good, many speakers have not yet registered so expected to go up a good deal.
  • Richard Green gave a program committee update
    • revamping time table, to fit in virtually every proposal
    • Committee will be contacting presenters end of next week

Call for future presenters

  • Will Cowan at Indiana -- found it was hard because everyone was getting ready for OR, same problem now with HC, could be issue of timing
  • Frequency could be an issue, skip for OR , skip for summer?
  • WUSTL (Andrew) would be interested in giving an update at the September meeting if people want to hear what they're working.
  • BPL (Steven) could maybe volunteer for next one, but may have something for next meeting
  • In November Michigan could volunteer to show something (Nabeela)
  • if you see something interesting in the partner report encourage your peers to report out at this meeting.
  • in addition to the next agenda, idea proposed we add a page with additional dates and institutions thinking about presenting, with also a place for people to list what they're interested in hearing more about.

Misc Items

  • Spotlight on Spotlight video of presentation here:
  • DLF in Milwaukee shortly after Hydra Connect, We should start thinking about Hydra presence there?
  • Will Cowan - thinking about starting a paged media interest group particularly interested modeling that within pcdm.

Hydra fundraising and financial vision

For reference see this email sent on 7/25 to Hydra Partners:

  • Now has raised over $50k with contributions from 7-8 additional contributions since the 7/25 email.
  • Tom outlined the financial vision
  • Proceeding with trademark for hydra the project and the logo
  • Contractor working on a new website
  • Valerie Holister at Duraspace or any member of steering can help you make a contribution

Is fundraising tied to a cycle a cycle? Summer is a bad time for some places to make a contribution.
Most Duraspace projects fundraise in spring/summer, but they can accommodate whenever is best for you to make a contribution.

If you contribute as a sponsor of Hydraconnect are you counting that toward Hydra fundraising?
Richard: we are not counting that as sponsorship of the project but subsidy as a subsidy of the conference

Contributions in-kind -- while we may not want to officially tie dollar figures to them, we should recognize them in addition to monetary contributions somehow.

Upcoming Calendar Events:
Hydra Connect 2016 (October 3rd - 6th): Registration open
Blacklight Summit at Princeton - Nov 2-4, 2016



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