November 2010 - Partner Meeting
November 2010 - Partner Meeting
Friday Morning
Review Project Contributors (timebox)
- founders
- MediaShelf
- other contributors
- interested 3rd parties
Bibliotheque Alexandrina / DAR and Hydra
- overall architecture
- book viewer
- comparison w/ Hydra architecture & direction
- Youssef's powerpoint presentation on DAR
Content Model Discussions
- "
don't call it a CONTENT MODEL"
- how to have effective conversations on a content model
- how to send a concise & clear message to community on Hydra content models.
- ContentMD discussions: explicit data stream, or implicit & assembled?
- RightsMD discussions: adding embargo information
Friday Afternoon
AIMS & Hydra
- functional requirements
- Archival content models
- AIMS technical roadmap
- AIMS resourcing strategy
- AIMS timeline
- questions from AIMS group about web services & general architecture
AIMS Arrangement and Description Functional Requirements, as of Nov. 5
AIMS Discovery and Access Functional Requirements, as of Nov. 5
UI Development Process
UI Development Process Discussion 05 November
- Jessie, Jennifer, Matt, Tom, Charles
- Garrick & John & Robin
- level of detail in specs
- interacting with mocks
- testing & feedback loop
- cucumber coverage
- communication / consulting on design
- community testing standards
- community documentation standards
- possible user documentation
Time-based releases
- moving to time-based releases?
- length of iteration
JIRA Review
- existing tickets
- contents of each ticket
- workflow (from ticket creation, assignment, resolution, closed)
- releases & labels – by institution
- prioritization
- guidelines for writing a good jira ticket
- document all these as expectations for new developers
Saturday Morning
Product Requirements Description / Statements of Work
- How development on Heads vs. Core will be structured
- for UVa & Stanford
- for AIMS
- global? or by head? or by institution?
- translation between Epics and Product Vision / Roadmap / Requirements doc
- review Epics to make sure it's a comprehensive list
Public-facing Hydra web site & information
- See Hydra Project Infrastructure Google Doc
- projecthydra.org?
- short mission statement, definitions
- demo apps
Specific Technical Topics
- Opinionated Metadata
- Solrizer
- Bundling components for easy install
- WAR file?
Saturday Afternoon
Hydra Steering Group
- code licensing
- Apache project?
- Hydra community model
- next meetings
- technical development roadmap
- interinstitutional resourcing plans
- community development roadmap
- mission statement
- Relationship with DuraSpace
Other Topics:
- web services, robots, workdo
Action Items
- each institution / stakeholder should fill out their list of
Project Contributors
- splice community / stakeholder pages from Collab and other wiki page with this.
- crossref with projecthydra.org
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