Hyrax Analytics Working Group - December 19, 2017

Hyrax Analytics Working Group - December 19, 2017

Meeting Details:

Tuesday December 19, 2017 - 10:00 AM Pacific Time




  • Note taker: Gabriela 
  1. Checking in for the last time and what's next.
    1. Development work
      1. Don't have a date yet.
      2. Also don't have a coordinator or a technical lead. 
        1. Need someone to coordinate:
          1. Internal facing: coordinating the work of the developers.
          2. External facing: managing comments from the community on pull requests and such. Explain why the work is being done and how it's being done.
          3. Steve might consider the coordinator role, but definitely doesn't have time to do technical lead.
        2. UVA has a developer who is "thinking" about the technical lead role.
        3. UCSD might also have someone. Steve Van Tuyl will check in with Jessica Hilt (IT Dev manager) and Gabriela after the holiday break.
      3. Collections Extension work will get merged in at the beginning of the year. May be easier at that point to reach out to folks and talk about commitments. However, we do already have 7 developers who are committed.
      4. Documentation work will start once we have a coordinator and technical lead before moving forward with the plan.

  2. Group status
    1. Steve officially closed out this working group. Essentially it means moving us off the home page of the Wiki and then when we reconvene we will do so as a group to advise on the development effort.

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