June 2018 Planning Meeting - Hyrax Working Group

Time and Location:

Time and Date: 

June 21, 2018. 08:30 Pacific/11:30 Eastern





  • Let's define roles:
    • Coordinator - sprint coordinator - meeting organization, keeping sprints aligned with roadmap and expectations for WG work, etc.
    • Product Owner - keep WG activities aligned with roadmap and other community development efforts
    • Technical Lead - flip side to PO role - keeping work inline with long term technical priorities and community development, providing ongoing architectural guidance
    • Testing Coordinator - ensuring that releases are well documented and that QA testing happens
  • Plan for work cycles and sprints
    • Targeting two weeks on, two weeks off cycles
    • Hope to run a few of these and then evaluate how things are going
    • When to start?
      • Everyone will put their start availability here:
        • LaRita ~> July 9 or July 23 are sprint begin dates for Notre Dame, so it might be ideal for me to stay on our sprint cycle.
        • Daniel: July 9
        • Tom: July 9
        • Chris: July 9
  • Initial Plan for working group activities
    • 2.1.1 Cleanup: 5 or 6 outstanding, minor issues from 2.1
    • Accessibility: there was an accessibility audit that identified accessibility issues
    • Critical Bugs
  • Potential Future Plans
    • Bulk ingest, edit, and export - Julie A. and Tom are co-facilitating a working group for requirements gathering and design for bulk operations, in advance of technical implementation
    • Analytics work started but was put on hold in order to get the 2.1 release finished, work will resume in mid to late July
    • Remainder of roadmap:
      • Valkyrie - Tom is puzzling over what it will look like to pull valkyrie work together and will communicate that as we move forward
  • QA Testing
    • throughout our work, especially in the initial sprints, we will want to work with Chris Diaz to formalize th