03-10-20 Hyrax Interest Group

03-10-20 Hyrax Interest Group

Time: 4pm Eastern Time

To join: https://zoom.us/j/8584127749

Attendees: Julie Allinson, Maria Whitaker, Rob Kaufman, Tom Johnson, Julie Hardesty

Agenda and Notes:





Roadmap Council Update

  • survey out for roadmaps and plans from community
  • want to provide template for plan expression
  • want to analyze what people are planning, looking for overlaps and places to collaborate
  • targeting partner list to get more responses
  • for Hyrax, roadmap stays the same heading towards Hyrax 3.0
  • gathered roadmaps are linked from Roadmap Council page: Samvera Roadmaps Alignment Group

Tech-lead update
  • Solar Vortex occurred, big success for Hyrax; more Valkyrie contributors, buy-in from vendors, more work on Wings since then too
  • Hyrax WG still active (in between sprints now)
  • Hyrax 3.0 - ready but no time commitment to check off final boxes to wrap it up and release; need full review of release notes, update of release notes, cut rc2, test it (about 2 weeks) then it should be done
  • list of things for release is not documented but what is listed here is what needs to happen

PO Update
  • Hyrax PO has hot lead! no final yes yet, though
  • hoping to start ramp up in July and get started in October in role
  • keep that pattern going to get next person going in January of second year and ramping up starting in July to take over in October
  • does interim mode work until July timeframe? Yes, Tom seems to be in good shape with what needs to happen (cut 3.0 and work on Wings)
  • Repository Managers Group might be working on ticket grooming but that is still pretty outstanding; Tom is trying to review things as they come in but it's only as he can; tickets are filed into Milestones and adding tags; a lot of clean-up needed (stale and duplicates, previous dev efforts)
  • Maybe put out call to folks who understand what is happening in Hyrax but don't have developer resources, maybe people can tag issues that could be closed? not sure if this can work well right now, needs coordination
  • Samvera Tech Call could do this work? they aren't just Hyrax but it should go on their agenda for discussion

Other items?

  • Samvera Partner Meeting (happening online in April)
    • topic suggestion for meeting: do we still need Hyrax PO? not really sure if it means "do we NEED a PO" or if it's "do we STILL need a PO" (like it's still not filled yet). Think it might be second interpretation and Partners don't really need to take up the topic as it is in the first version.
  • Kelley Chess at Notch8 has been helping with QA efforts in Hyrax; leaving Notch8 and Samvera Community so resource will be gone soon; haven't had a lot of QA things happening lately; when QA things do come up it's been great to have someone available to do that review for tickets that have functional change involved that need to be deployed and tested
    • Rob can identify someone else at Notch8 to help with this