Hyrax Analytics Working Group - Requirements Tables (DRAFT)

Hyrax Analytics Working Group - Requirements Tables (DRAFT)

Table of Contents


Definitions can be found in a separate definitions page.


PriorityRequirementsDescriptionUse CaseComments
Milestone 1 - MVP for Analytics in Hyrax
CriticalGraphics for: Works by Type; Works by Resource Type; Repository Growth; User Activity; Visitors; Visibility TypesThese graphics are expected to leverage the work currently in place on the Dashboard (donut graphs, bar charts, line graphs)

UC1 - Administrative Dashboard

We will need to clarify definitions of Work Type versus Resource Type.

Table of number of Works by Collection

UC1 - Administrative Dashboardcould this be problematic if the number of collections gets bloated? I guess this could be a paginated table, but...
CriticalGraphic widgets allow for modifiable date rangesEach graphic (chart, graph) will have a calendar widget that sets the date range for which data will display.UC1 - Administrative Dashboard

What should the default date range be? 30 days?

  • I vote for 30 days.
CriticalAdministrator - Can report number of downloads and pageviews by collection
UC2/3 - Role Based Reporting
CriticalAdministrator - Can report number of times collections were viewed by month
UC2/3 - Role Based Reporting

CriticalAdministrator - use a calendar 'widget' to generate statistics (month, group of months, by fiscal year, etc.).Administrator should be able to select start and end date of the report as well as the granularity (month, year).UC2/3 - Role Based Reporting
CriticalAdministrator - view the number of times my collections were viewed by month.
UC2/3 - Role Based Reporting

CriticalAdministrator - view the number of unique downloads for files in any given collection.unique downloads = visits that click 'Download' button + direct downloads (e.g., from search engine results)UC2/3 - Role Based Reporting
CriticalDepositor - Total number of times the page with my work has been viewed (pageviews).
UC2/3 - Role Based Reporting

1: My work: does it include all the files in my work?

CriticalDepositor - Timeseries graphic showing number of times a page with my work has been viewed over time.a page with my work = a child work or a fileset of my workUC2/3 - Role Based Reporting

CriticalDepositor - Number of unique visitors of my work.
UC2/3 - Role Based Reporting
  1. How to define 'unique visitor'? By IP or cache or what is provided by Google Analytics?
CriticalDepositor - Total number of downloads of a file in a work.total downloads = visits that click 'Download' button + direct downloads (e.g., from search engine results)UC2/3 - Role Based Reporting
CriticalAt the work-level, statistics should be generated for page views and downloads that capture all activity on the work.all activity on the work = all the downloads of files in the work and pageviews of the work UC4 - Item Statistics
  1. Does the request imply that the 'direct-download', like those from Google search results or bookmarks, should be captured in statistics (an feature that is not available now)? - HZ
  2. My opinion is that, yes, direct downloads must be counted as downloads - SV
CriticalI can see a table and/or chart of monthly pageviews and downloads for the item.Similar to the line chart currently viewable on the Analytics page in HyraxUC4 - Item StatisticsDesign of the analytics page charts should match the design of the charts on the Dashboard.
CriticalOn the showpage, indicate pageviews and downloads
UC4 - Item Statistics

example from UVA at: Hyrax Analytics Working Group Meeting - Tuesday July 11, 2017

How are these aggregated at UVA? Is that an implementation detail we can agree on? (If aggregated means across depositors/works, we at UVA don't have a way to aggregate. Only collected/displayed per work (page views) and file (downloads) -Ellen)

Will this be publicly viewable?

CriticalAnalytics at the item level are captured in such a way that allows for aggregation at all higher levels
UC4 - Item Statistics
CriticalClarity on what a pageview is and what a download is and how they are generatedsee definition pageUC7 - Documentation

Documentation is needed for all analytics pages and features

UC7 - Documentation
Milestone 2 - Not critical, but will significantly increase analytics functionality

Graphics for: Collections (donut chart of published vs. unpublished, time chart for collections over time)Donut chart, similar to the chart currently implemented on the Dashboard for Repository Objects - Current StatusUC1 - Administrative Dashboard

Graphics for: Works by Visibility TypeDonut chart, similar to the chart currently implemented on the Dashboard for Repository Objects - Current StatusUC1 - Administrative Dashboard

Graphics for: Showing different mime types based on file characterization
UC1 - Administrative Dashboard

Graphics for: time series graphic of total number of queries run on the repository
UC1 - Administrative Dashboard

Administrator - See the number of downloads based on filetype (mime type) or resource type.
UC2/3 - Role Based Reporting

Administrator - I can execute a search/browse or navigate to a collection (user or administrative) and, based on the results, view a table and/or figure of pageviews and downloads for these items.
UC2/3 - Role Based ReportingI'm interested in seeing this as core functionality for reporting and, thus, would be interested in moving it to MS1. This would, essentially, be the ability to download statistics for any arbitrarily defined set of results. (Steve)

Administrator - I can see, on my user profile, pageviews, downloads, and any other available statistics about My Works.
UC2/3 - Role Based Reporting

Depositor - See a Time series of downloads across all my works.
UC2/3 - Role Based Reporting

Integration of legacy statisticsA process by which statistics from other analytics platforms or repositories can be incorporated into Hyrax analytics

UC5 - Management

enter the Google Analytics ID associated with my Google Analytics account so that repository usage activities are recorded in Google Analytics (Gary notes this will be added to general settings in Hyku) for my single tenant repository instance.

UC6 - Setup

enter the OAuth information associated with my Google Analytics account so that repository usage activities are displayed in the UI at single tenant repository instance,

UC6 - Setup

configure a page or pages on which analytics will not be collected. This is particularly useful when using external monitoring software that requests a page from the repository and compares it to a stored value to confirm the stack is working as expected.
UC6 - Setup

Clarity of what aggregated statistics mean and how they are generated
UC7 - Documentation

Send any user an email with consolidated analytics about their deposits ("your article was viewed 21 times this month, your data was downloaded 5 times this week")
UC8 - NotificationsAnyone migrating from bepress will want this feature...

Provide the depositor the ability to configure their analytics notifications (probably in user profile) - turn on/off notifications
UC8 - NotificationsThis may tie into other notification functionality in Hyrax. For example, does a Notifications area of the user profile make sense - wherein the different types of notifications can be adjusted?

Provide the depositor the ability to configure their analytics notifications (probably in user profile) - set frequency of notifications (weekly, monthly, etc.)
UC8 - Notificationssee above...
Milestone 3 - Feature enhancements

See the Number of file in a collection
UC1 - Administrative Dashboard

See the Number of users interacting with the collection
UC1 - Administrative Dashboard

Administrator - Collections (donut chart of published vs. unpublished, time chart for collections over time)

UC2/3 - Role Based Reporting

Administrator - the total number of queries conducted for my collections.
UC2/3 - Role Based Reporting

Administrator - I can execute a search/browse or navigate to a collection (user or administrative) and, based on the results, download a file of pageviews and downloads for those items.
UC2/3 - Role Based Reporting

Administrator - I can save a search/report as part of my user profile.
UC2/3 - Role Based Reporting

Administrator - I can see Keyword and Phrase searches (e.g. fish (453) or stuart collection (36)).
UC2/3 - Role Based Reporting

Depositor - Number of times a page with my work has been Viewed by user.
UC2/3 - Role Based Reporting

Depositor/Administrator - List of referring URLs.
UC2/3 - Role Based ReportingRepository administrators have expressed interest in seeing this information in their interface, in addition to or instead of for a depositor view.

Depositor - Geo-location of visitors (based on IP address or for privacy a partial IP address).
UC2/3 - Role Based Reporting

I can download the daily (or some other more granular timestep) pageviews and downloads for the item.
UC4 - Item Statistics

As available, I can view other statistical information for the item (e.g. citations, tweets, mendeley saves, shares).
UC4 - Item Statistics

Location of downloads (map, table of places/countries)
UC4 - Item StatisticsThe real-time readership map is a very visible feature in some Bepress repostiories, having it would be attractive to repo managers who are used to it.

Access analytics via a REST endpoint - json output of most viewed author, most downloaded, and other such information (to contribute to a larger scale reporting system - e.g. Mexico National, ARL, etc.)
UC5 - Management

flip statistics and related UI should be so that a repository administrator can turn them off as needed.
UC5 - Management

in hosted repository in a multi-tenant context, only access the usage data about the content in my repository, and not the usage data of other tenants of the service.
UC5 - Management

Piwik integration should mirror Google Analytics integration
UC5 - Management

Send the depositor an email when a particular milestone has been reached ("congratulations! your dissertation has been viewed 100 times!"
UC8 - Notifications