HAWG - September 5, 2017

HAWG - September 5, 2017

Meeting Details:

Tuesday September 5, 2017 - 10:00 AM Pacific Time




  1. Note Taker: Gabriela Montoya

  2. Review of feedback on Requirements Table and Definitions
    1. It should be noted that we didn't get a lot of feedback. Most embedded comments were internal.
    2. Julie Rudder had a question about visibility (internal vs. world-wide access).
    3. Sally Ramsey thought that in-link and out-link reporting would be useful.
      1. Oxford is interested in seeing where people are coming from (Facebook, Twitter), but we have not adequately captured this.
      2. Outlinks should be added to a later milestone, but incoming links is pretty standard. 
        • Decision: Incoming links get set to Milestone 1 and outgoing links to Milestone 2.
    4. Chris Awre asked if this group is aware of a CLIR/DLF initiative to explore the use of the IRUS statistics service across a selection of CLIR members (this is a UK-based service). IRUS generates COUNTER-compliant statistics across repositories, which most UK sites make use of. CLIR is exploring whether this is of interest to the US.
      1. UvA ia participating but just started looking into it last week.
      2. IRUS-USA: "The portal enables you to access COUNTER compliant and comparable usage statistics."
      3. Demo site: https://jusp.jisc.ac.uk/irus-usa/

      4. Per Chris: IRUS doesn't go as far as the use cases and functionality described in the group's work, as its focus is on gathering statistics outside the repository itself and providing reporting back in through its portal, but it is easy to set up (we use a gem, irus-analytics (https://github.com/uohull/irus_analytics) that our developer wrote a couple of years ago).
    5. With limited feedback we are ready to think about next steps with regards to this document:
      1. Start to discuss for Milestone 1 whether we need more clarity and to engage with design folks. 
        • Gary Geisler (Stanford) will be able to throw some time into design work. 
        • Steve will engage with Gary and then come back to this group with what he hears regarding Gary's process, etc.
        • Milestone 1: how do we want to prioritize this subset? Would it be useful for us to go through Milestone 1 and prioritize or would it be best to get Gary's input first?

          • Decision: Might be useful for the group to move forward on prioritizing Milestone 1 (ranking using a spreadsheet)

        • Steve's hope is that at Samvera Connect we will attempt to drum up support for some of this work (7-8 institutions to help out).

  3. Documentation subgroup needed
    1. Suggest that 2-3 people put in an hour or so over the next week to outline documentation needs?

    2. Hannah and Hui think that this isn't super pressing. They recommend that we hold off on this for now.

    1. Could potentially be somewhat of a guideline and something that we should take into account here.
      1. https://www.projectcounter.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Technical-pdf.pdf
      2. Ellen will demo once they get COUNTER up and running, but the Ruby gem needs to be fixed first.

    2. RAMP is a service for counting downloads and has the potential to aggregate metrics across institutions, but is is not necessarily related to COUNTER.
    3. Making Hyrax analytics COUNTER compliant: where does this fit in terms of our development. It seems like we don't know enough yet. We need to do some investigation to better understand what that means. As a minimum we should make sure we measure things in the same way in case we later want to be COUNTER compliant.

    4. We may want to follow the SUSHI protocol. We need another subgroup to dig in on what exactly we mean by SUSHI, IRUS, RAMP compliant.

    5. Decision: nik.dragovic Ellen Ramsey will form the COUNTER subgroup with Steve.
  5. Next Steps:
    1. Documentation: Steve Van Tuyl will contact Leah to share what Alberta has done.
    2. UI design: Steve Van Tuyl will contact Gary.
    3. COUNTER subgroup will get together over the next two weeks to pull info. together.
    4. Milestone ranking: Steve Van Tuyl create a spreadsheet for us to rank Milestone 1 (low, med, high).

Reference Documents:

    1. Example of what we're trying to build at this stage: Use Cases for Display Sets in Hydra
    2. Example of what we're trying to arrive at: Requirements - Display Sets
    3. HAWG Prioritization Spreadsheet
    4. HAWG Landing and Charter Page
    5. HAWG Use Cases
    6. HAWG Requirements Tables (DRAFT)

Action Items:
