Metadata Call 2016-08-10
Metadata Call 2016-08-10
Call-In Info: +1 (641) 715 3660, access code 651025
Moderator: Juliet Hardesty (Indiana University)
Notetaker: Corey Harper (New York University)
Attendees: sanderson (Boston Public Library), mcmillwh (Univ. of Cincinnati), carolyn.hansen (Univ. of Cincinnati), Juliet Hardesty (Indiana University), Corey Harper (NYU)
- Subgroup Reports
- Descriptive Working Group
- Spoke to Arwen & Christie about presenting at Hydra Connect about layered metadata model. They will put in an unconference proposal.
- Next meeting is probably going to be last.
- Re-sending survey from last year?
- Will MODS & RDF still be subgroup here, or a separate WG?
- MODS and RDF Descriptive Metadata Subgroup
- Looking over previous work to see what needs updating.
- Bibframe 1.0 -> 2.0 examples
- Shelf location poll sent out. 4 options for how to represent.
- Predicate for the concept of "holding institution"
- Voting sent to Hydra Tech, but only 5 or so responses so far
- Looking for other modes of distribution (Slack)
- Looking over previous work to see what needs updating.
- Applied Linked Data Working Group
- Met with DPLA to talk about harvesting options for the future
- Notes will be linked.
- Moving towards using ResourceSync and prefer making data available as DPLA MAP
- No immediate solution since ResourceSync work timeline is TBD.
- URI Management Working Group
- Actively working on functional requirements
- Use cases are pretty robust
- FR section and suggested developments sections are more rough
- Should these be user stories? System requirements?
- Looking at rightsstatements.org RFP to see how those requirements were written
- Call for other other examples of functional requirements in general.
- Actively working on functional requirements
- Descriptive Working Group
- Issues/Questions
- Review Metadata IG Requests and Priorities
- Julie followed up with time-based media interest group. That group is interested in looking at technical properties for video & audio.
- Question from Avalon about Fedora 3 -> Fedora 4 migration. How do their XML datastreams map to RDF?
- Can they just use EBUCore?
- What are the challenges in doing such a descriptive MD migration?
- Additional items
- Sunset milestone added for HMIG
- 6 months of no meetings seems okay.
- Sufia 7 beta demo for PCDM (August 1, 6-8 participants; August 8, 13-15 participants)
- Good attendance.
- At least 1 connection was a group of folks.
- Went through multifile objects. How that is implemented in Sufia itself.
- 2nd Demo also followed the creation of an item
- Track how ordering is adjusted as files are added
- Adding an item to multiple collections – how that looks in Fedora
- This may be a first step to further / expanded documentation.
- Lighting talks at Hydra Connect? Unsure how these are working out. Too many WGs, and may not be enough time.
- Hoping for informal breakouts, etc, so plenary lightning talks may not be needed.
- They will have a 1 hour slot for the MD IG
- Consider doing lightning talks here if no larger session for WG Lightning?
- Agenda for that slot to come.
- Sunset milestone added for HMIG
- Action Items
, multiple selections available,
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