March 11, 2016

March 11, 2016


Dial: +1 (641) 715 3660
Access Code: 651025#


Facilitator:  newmanld (Cincinnati)
Notetaker:  matienzo (DPLA)

Agenda & Notes

  1. Roll Call
    1. AttendingWelcome New Folks
      1. Richard Green (Hull)
      2. matienzo (DPLA)
      3. Eric James (Yale)
      4. Eben English (BPL)
      5. Alicia Morris (Tufts)
      6. newmanld (Cincinnati)
      7. wgcowan (Indiana University)
      8. Carolyn Caizzi (Northwestern)
      9. krenee (Michigan)
      10. Nabeela Jaffer (Michigan)
      11. Rick Johnson (Notre Dame)
      12. Fleming, Declan (Deactivated) (UCSD)
      13. Critchlow, Matthew (UCSD)
      14. Tom Cramer (Stanford)
      15. Margaret Mellinger (Oregon State)
      16. Karen Cariani (WGBH)
    2. Call for Agenda Items
      1. Power Steering: format for calls
  1. Next call
    1. Date: April 8, 2016
    2. Facilitator:
    3. Notetaker: 

  2. Hydra-in-a-Box project hydrainabox.org
    1. Public announcement coming soon to hydra-community and hydra-partners
    2. Development sprints starting soon at Stanford. Plan to do these sprints publicly a la Spotlight. Please contact  Tom Cramer or  Michael Joseph Giarlo if you're interested in contributing to development
  3. Discuss items on Power Steering identified for discussion during Hydra Connect 2015
    1. (see https://waffle.io/projecthydra-labs/power-steering) / (see also https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/power-steering/issues), "Partner Calls"; not all items need be discussed this call; facilitator should determine based on time
      1. Several items in Waffle are on agenda for March Power Steering meeting. 
    2. /wiki/spaces/steering/pages/405211489
      1. As yet topics need to be divided into time slots. 
      2. Key topics
        1. financials (fundraising, allocation) - see  /wiki/spaces/steering/pages/405211494
        2. alignment of Hydra-based products on development (e.g. Sufia, Plum, Hybox, Avalon, etc.) - how do we ensure there's not duplication of effort 
        3. State of the community - collaborating with IGs/WGs, newcomer onboarding, 
        4. Reviewing expectations of partners; partner support; networks (geographically based?)
        5. reviewing training 
        6. Strategic planning - ; integration with Research Information systems (Symplectic, SHARE, etc.)
        7. Project stability - Fedora 4, gem changes
        8. Hydra events 
    3. Changing format of calls
      1. Known lack of energy/attendance on partner calls 
      2. Might be better to include video as a possibility 
      3. Haven't changed format in practice over time 
      4. Please provide feedback to Steering/Power Steering - we shouldn't be discouraged by these calls; please also indicate what's useful about those calls
      5. Suggestion: find a way to have a smaller agenda with specific topics that to discuss or where action is necessary
      6. Overall need to make the calls more vibrant
  4. Standing Community to-do's
    1. Reports back from meetings (if any)
      1. UCSB Hydra Camp
        1. Lots of questions and focus on PCDM; people wanted to know what they should be doing it and how it gets incorporated into application development. 
        2. PCDM documentation is OK, but dispersed in multiple places; Hydra::Works requires people to go elsewhere for that documentation.
      2. Regional Hydra meeting after Hydra Camp
        1.  Morning plenary - questions/concerns about compound objects, esp migrating existing repo objects into PCDM
      3. Code4lib
        1. UGent developers interested in contributing to Blacklight (Nicolas Steenlant & Patrick Hochstenbach); Nic was funded by Blacklight's platinum sponsorship
        2. Hydra workshops (Dive Into and Dive Deeper Into)
        3. Good number of presentations on Hydra, particularly integration with things like ArchivesSpace 
    2. Next Partner and dev-centric meetings
      1. Hydra Connect 2016 (Oct. 3-6, 2016)
        1. Logistics well under way
        2. Want to start program planning - want to keep program committee to 5-6 people; still need volunteers
        3. Local Planning Committee meeting roughly monthly
      2. Stanford Developer Congress (March 24-25)
        1. Jeremy Friesen working on draft agenda; should be released soon 
      3. Michigan Developer Congress (May 4-6)
        1. Working on planning; after March HDC, should have a better idea for how it went.
        2. Considering doing tracks for new developers vs. existing developers
      4. Fedora Camp California - 11-13 April 2016 (Caltech)  
        1. Registration link
      5. DPLAFest (April 13-15)
        1. Hydra in a Box presentation ( matienzoHannah FrostGretchen Gueguen)
        2. PCDM/IIIF/interoperability presentation ( Esmé Cowles)
  5. Regional meetings
    1. Hydra Europe event in April (potentially cohosted with Europeana)
      1. CA - The link with Europeana did not turn into an event, but is following other channels around community development.  We are continuing to look at options for a Hydra Europe event in the light of this
    2. Interest in organizing a session on organizing regional meetings and Dev Congresses at Hydra Connect 2016
  6. Training
    1. Anyone willing to host a fall Hydra Camp? Reach out to  Mark Bussey.
  7. Reports from Interest & Working Groups (Please post a 1-2 sentence note of your update before the meeting just in case someone can't make the call):
    1. Samvera Archivists Interest Group 
    2. Samvera DevOps Interest Group 
    3. Samvera Digital Preservation Interest Group
      1. Three proposed working groups are listed on the Group's wiki page for consideration.  Feedback is welcome on these, and an announcement inviting participation will go out shortly.
    4. Samvera User Experience Interest Group
      1. Working on wireframes for Sufia 7, and identifying items as out of scope for 7.0/in scope for 7.1 
    5. Hydra Web Presence Working Group
      1. In abeyance pending outcome of discussions about Hydra's financial vision and plan at Power Steering and elsewhere.
    6. Hydra Service Management Interest Group
      1. Last call only had 4 participants. Challenges for this group include scheduling calls that more people can attend, and determining a solid focus for the group. There has been discussion on sending out a survey, as well as potentially interviewing more experiences service managers in the community to get a better idea of needs, interests, and focus for this group. Please feel free to contact  Sheila Rabun if you are interested in helping get this group back off the ground.
    7. Samvera Metadata Interest Group
      1. Considering questions about where to host controlled vocabularies and/or RDF ontologies. Connecting with Time-based Media IG re: their work to extend technical metadata profile for audio and video formats. Descriptive Metadata Working Group moving towards hiatus.
      2. Samvera Applied Linked Data Interest Group ()
      3. MODS and RDF Descriptive Metadata Subgroup ()
        1. Work is ongoing 
      4. Segment of a File Structural Metadata Working Group
        1. Draft recommendation being finalized
    8. Samvera Time-based Media Interest Group
    9. Samvera Metrics Interest Group
    10. Fedora 3 to 4 Migration Interest Group
    11. Samvera Geospatial Interest Group
    12. Samvera GIS Data Modeling Working Group
    13. Sufia UI Working Group
    14. Hydra Triple Store Interest Group 
  8. Prospective Partner Intel Sharing
    1. (details not included in notes)
  9. Any other old or new business
    1. Should we have a training WG? (Based on question of Michigan re: organizing May HDC)
      1. Potential interest from  Nabeela Jaffer to follow up on, and for discussion at Hydra Power Steering discussion ("Hydra Training" is on the agenda). 

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