February 14, 2014

February 14, 2014


Dial: +1 (530) 881-1400
Access Code: 651025


  • Robin Ruggaber, Virginia (Facilitator)

  • Steven Anderson, BPL (Notetaker)

  • Adam Wead, RockHall
  • Chris Awre, Hull
  • Richard Green, Hull
  • John Stroop, Princeton
  • Tom Cramer, Stanford
  • Linda Newman, University of Cincinnati
  • Eric James, Yale
  • Anders Conrad, Royal Library
  • Bess Sadler, Stanford
  • Mike Stromming, Northwestern
  • Rick Johnson,  Notre Dame
  • Mark Notess, Indiana
  • Mike Giarlo, Penn State
  • Mark Bussey, DCE

Agenda & Notes

  1. Roll Call
    1. Welcome New Folks 
  2. Call for Agenda Items
    1. Mar 14 per Claire Discuss Hydra's presence at other conferences (particularly less technical ones) – Proposed by Claire Stewart during January partner call 
      1. Delayed to March 14 Claire unable to make this one.
    2. March 3rd - 7th - ORCID developer meeting in Chicago (Update given by Rick)
      1. Will be a meeting March 3rd - 7th. (Technically March 4th - 7th but people arrive on the 3rd). 
        1.  Focus is anyone who wants to use the plugin to get jumpstarted into using this in their local repository.
        2. They have a dev house secured there and they have 2-3 open slots for that house (fully funded so includes airfare and such). Going to send that out to the list soon and the "fastest ones to respond wins". 
  3. Next Call
    1. Date: March 14th, 2014 
    2. Facilitator: Chris Awre (Hull)
    3. Notetaker: Linda Newman (Cincinnati)
  4. Standing Community TODOs
    1. Next Partner & Dev centric meetings
      1. Hydra Connect recap
        1. Manual created for the logistics of running a Hydra Connect meeting. Mark Notess conducted a user survey that is now available on the Hydra Connect page. Seems to show high levels of overall satisfaction.
        2. One thing not taking into account: What did one get out of it that isn't on the exactly easily surveyed side?
          1. Rick: Unconference planning went better than he expected with that larger group.
          2. Framing the conference by having the plenary sessions and an opportunity to see what is going on (status updates or existing heads) before setting the unconference schedules worked very well.
          3. Prepopulating the conference sessions to some extent before the event worked well too.
          4. Really liked everyone introducing themselves at the beginning and Tom's twist on having to have it written down beforehand was good. 
          5. Mike: "Ya, it was great, let's do it again."
            1. Some confusion about how the unconference thing worked though. For those used it, they were happy with it and the chaos. For those new, might have been a bit intimidating. 
            2. Some confusion about the Poster session on who went first and who went second (but felt it went perfectly well). 
            3. Some people wished there was a brief ending planery session to wrap things up.
          6. Another person echoes Mike's last point: It did just feel at a certain point we just all "left".
          7. Ending plenary session would allow for a summary of conclusions as well.
          8. Mixed messages on how the posters worked and if they were up all the time.
          9. Requests for training for repository managers and library service people.
          10. Adam: Best Partner Meeting Ever.!!! Poster sessions could be tweaked a little but thumbs up all the way.
      2. Code4Lib 24-27 March, Raleigh, NC
        1. RDF working group is planning to meet at some point during Code4lib. Couldn't do it during a preconference day and still working out exactly when this will occur.
        2. Northwestern: A couple of people going to it who are working on the Avalon project.
        3. Mike Giarlo will be there (sending at least a couple of people). Should they attend both or pick one? Larger conference, better broader project awareness: Code4lib. Smaller room and getting some work done on Hydra, then LibConDevX is better.
        4. Rick Johnson: One to code4lib and a few to LibConDevX
        5. Two from Yale will be in attendance.
        6. Alicia, Justin, and Mark will be at code4Lib.
        7. Both developers from BPL plan to do code4lib.
        8. Cincinnati is experiencing the same competition between the two conferences. Will likely send two to LibConDevX.
        9. For sessions: Two Blacklight Workshops, GIS in Hydra, did not get Dive into Hydra onto the schedule, and a few other talks there. During one of the breakouts, there will likely be a Hydra RDF breakout tutorial. (see RDF working group)
      3. LAMDevConX and April Developer Congress planning
        1. LAMDevConX, 21-23 April, Stanford
          1. Has been LibDevConX in the past but changed names to reflect the focus on archives and museums as well.
          2. Things like Images, RDF, Archives, Fedora 4 integration overall are likely to be a focus.
          3. Unconference so depends on who is there as to what is exactly covered.
          4. Linda: Hard to find information about LAMDevConX and want to make a case that their archives group might want to go. Work on that is likely to happen soon (on putting information online) but it is indeed a conscious thing that it does keep it a lower profile as it is a smaller conference by design. Also geared toward technologists over archivists or curators still as well.
        2. Hydra developer congress, 24-25 April, Stanford
          1. Specific topics or themes we want to address.
            1. RDF in Hydra.
            2. Core developers meeting. (Revisit Hierarchy of Promises. Disseminate information on how to be a core developer and get people into it. Etc).
            3. Continue to advance Fedora4 and Hydra integration.
          2. Sounds like a fully packed two days to Mark. Seems like those topics would be good themes and topics. Mike Giarlo agrees on it as did another. 
          3. Questions: How are the sessions going to work? Pair programming exorcise or something? Are we bringing some of the newer and less experiences developers to this? 
          4. The goal of getting new commiters is a good one but trying to figure out how to best make that occur.
          5. Suggested goal of this congress isn't to teach developers Hydra. But rather to get already knowledgeable developers up to speed on the core gem set and what does what. Doing the advanced level work we are talking about might be somewhat at odds with newer developers to Hydra. Might want to make expectations of needing some Hydra developer experience (3+ months). If there is less than 3 months, may not be suitable for them.
          6. John (4-5 months experience): would love to add things to the codebase. But have run into difficulty figuring out where an entry point to add functionality exists.
          7. Bess: Attendee list would help understand what range of experience levels will be attending. Can then better figure out how to set this up and what tracts we might need. May also want to ask additional questions when one registers like what track you plan to be (developer or manager) and what developer level they are at would be useful.
          8. Robin: Maybe do on the mailing list to find out what types of features or things do you wish the various Hydra components would do? 
          9. Mark is doing a similar survey on Dev Ops topics. Would be happy to do a parrellel developer and feature survey that could be gotten back by LibDevConX.
          10. Psychological barrier to be a core committer? Maybe would be good to ask people about it and if they would like to work towards it. Would give us a starting point for who is interested but hasn't been able make the leap.
      4. Regional Hydra event in Europe
        1. Hydra symposium, 7-8 April, Trinity College, Dublin
          1. Final details are being done this week and hope to have those out next week week. Then shortly after can start having people signed up. Technical discussion about the fit of Hydra to digital content needs of those throughout Europe. Lunchtime to Lunchtime event rather than a full two days for ease of flying in and flying out.
          2. Has been contacting many lists and communities to generate interest in the event.
        2. Hydra Camp, 8-11 April, Trinity College Dublin
          1. Similar to other Hydra Camps in the past. Open worldwide as well and not limited to just Europeans attending.
      5. Connect #2.  An invitation to host Connect #2 in October has today gone out to five institutions in the Midwest.  One has already expressed interest.
        1. Don't want to repeat a mid-winter Connect again (ie. prefer October timeframe).
        2. Case Western has expressed interest so far of those that were contacted.
    2. Training
      1. Note Dublin Hydra Camp above
      2. Other Hydra Camps:
        1. DCE was considering doing a Spring in the Northeast and a Fall one in the Midwest. Pretty sure those will be flipped at this point.
        2. Currently in the very early process of planning one for May in Minneapolis.
        3. Fall one somewhere in the Northeast then. Date contingent on the date we settle on for Hydra Connect to make sure there is space between these two.
          1. Robin: Should likely start gathering potential conflict dates for events that are non-Hydra but still have Hydra presences. 
            1. Richard: Events, Presentations, and Articles page has them and useful to keep in mind for these things.  Currently there are three places this type of information is stored however. Proposes to just combine these types of pages into one place and designate their event type on that page.
          2. Princeton would be interested attending/hosting a Hydra Camp in the fall for this particular Northeast one.
      3. Tom: UC Stanford and UC Barbera have a desire for a west coast training event in their area sometime this year (if possible). DCE may be able to help with doing a smaller event but nothing specific decided.
    3. Progress against the 2013 Strategic Action Plan: where are we? are we on track?
      1. Richard and Tom updated the Wiki a bit and have those changes up now. Starting to get traction on those. The other task they haven't completed is that some of the dates need to be reset on the original plan. 
      2. Working towards an April strategic breakout meeting to tackle a review of the plan.
    4. SHARE update (More info: http://www.arl.org/focus-areas/public-access-policies/shared-access-research-ecosystem-share)
      1. Mark from Repository working group: SHARE steering working group came up with a working plan for a SHARE notification system. If you haven't seen this and want to see it, get in contact with someone on the working group and they can get you a copy of the plan.
      2. What metadata would be required to make the notification system to work? There has been a call for anyone interested in contributing from a developer standpoint.
      3. Fedora 4 project may be a pretty good module on how a project can work with a team of people that can drop on and off depending on their schedules.
      4. Near term scope on this effort is currently just the notification system.  See project plan here: http://www.arl.org/storage/documents/publications/share-notification-system-project-plan.pdf
  5. Prospective Partner Intel Sharing
    1. Tom: Struck by how many users they have. Think it is getting to the point where we need a system to keep track of it beyond calls and such.
      1. Robin: We have a Hydra Users mailing list that Richard made we could maybe query for that?

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