August 8, 2014
August 8, 2014
Dial: +1 (530) 881-1400
Access Code: 651025
- Karen Cariani (WGBH - Facilitator)
- Bess Sadler (Stanford - Notetaker)
- Mark Bussey (DCE)
- Richard Green (Hull)
- Kevin (Princeton)
- Eben English (BPL)
- Ray Lubinsky (UVA)
- Robin Rugabber (UVA)
- Mark Notess (Indiana)
- Linda Newman (Cincinnati)
- Rick Johnson (Notre Dame)
- Tom Cramer (Stanford)
- Chris Awre (Hull)
Agenda & Notes
- Roll Call
- Welcome New Folks
- Call for Agenda Items
- Next Call
- Date: September 12th
- Facilitator: Linda Newman
- Notetaker: Mark Bussey
- Date: September 12th
- Architectural oversight of Hydra core
- Can we ask Tom to frame what he hopes to achieve with this conversation? There are two different topics here:
- How do we structure the oversight? Slightly too informal right now. Let's have a F2F conversation about this at HydraConnect; it's already on the agenda.
- What are the connectors? What is the current gemset? What is its direction? We need a medium - large pool of developers who are comfortable with the core gem set and are continuously working on it.
- We need to more effectively communicate what kinds of work are going on, e.g., updates to Hydra stack in order to work with Fedora 4.
- DCE plans to show a working demo of Sufia on Fedora 4 by HydraConnect
- There is a FAQ page on the wiki to address Fedora 4 updates: Samvera and Fedora 4 - FAQ
- There ought to be a report out on this issue at HydraConnect
- Can we ask Tom to frame what he hopes to achieve with this conversation? There are two different topics here:
- Standing Community to-do's
- Reports back (if any)
- Next Partner and dev-centric meetings
- Hydra Connect #2, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio: 9/30-10/3/2014 – see Hydra Connect 2 - Fall 2014
- FYI: Ticket price is $55 and booking is now open - details at Hydra Connect 2 - Fall 2014
- Discounted hotel rates are available between now and 28 August - details and booking link on the same page
- Registration is capped at 150, and we expect it to be booked full. REGISTER EARLY (NOW) (61 currently registered)
- If you know of early or potential adopters who could benefit from attending, please pass along word
- Reminder email with link to current draft agenda going out Monday 11 August with a further reminder the following week before the special hotel rates end
- Agenda will be sent out Friday 15 August
- Hydra Connect #2, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio: 9/30-10/3/2014 – see Hydra Connect 2 - Fall 2014
- Training
- Hydra Camp fall 2014 (26-29 August, 2014 Princeton)
- Two Hydra workshops at DLF in Atlanta October 27 - 29 (Hydra Installfest + Intro to Development in Hydra)
- Lots of Hydra presentations at Association of Moving Image Archivists this year
- Projects & Working Groups
- Hydramata Updates
- Redeveloping the core, plan is to show at HydraConnect
- Things are rolling along
- Hydra RDF WG updates (if any)
- Hydra Archivists WG updates (if any)
- Hydra UX update (if any)
- Hydra Digital Preservation WG update (if any)
- Hydramata Updates
- Strategic Plan
- We're working on a framework for interest groups / working groups, which would look a lot like what we have now but with more consistency, expectations around report outs, and allocating time for working groups at meetings. We'll discuss this more at HydraConnect.
- Status of information gathering on Fedora 3 -> Fedora 4 transitions (Migration messaging)
- Everyone should be comfortable giving the message that although there's a lot of discussion about RDF and Fedora 4, that doesn't mean that existing Fedora 3 support is going away. There might be some anxiety that Fedora 3 repositories will hit an end of life soon, and that isn't true.
- Prospective Partner Intel Sharing
- Mark visited University of Alberta for a custom Hydra Camp, which morphed into a project planning / kickoff meeting. They are seriously committed to Hydra and have some ambitious plans. They will have folks at HydraConnect. About 12 people dedicated in the meeting + another 8 or so floating in and out.
- Bess is on her way to Chile to speak at Congreso Innovatics and meet with DuocUC
- Hydra UK meeting: Hull, York, Lancaster, U Durham, London School of Economics. Another meeting is planned for October.
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