April 21, 2017
April 21, 2017
Hydra Partners Call (April 2017) |
Friday, April 21, 2017 |
11:30 am | Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-05:00) | 1 hr |
Meeting number: | 737 192 431 |
Meeting password: | h9cwrT45 |
Join from a video conferencing system or application |
Dial 738605799@tufts.webex.com |
Join by phone |
+1-617-627-6767 US Toll |
Access code: 737 192 431 |
Nabeela Jaffer
James Griffin
- Welcome to newcomer's (1-2 min.) No roll call, but please add your name to attendees list below.
- Facilitator and notetaker for May 12th, 2017 Call and call for future presenters (1-2 min)
- Proposal to rotate alphabetically might be in conflict with attempts to have moderator to take more actively editorial role towards agenda
- Hydra Virtual Connect update - wgcowan
- Hydra Partner meeting update
- Partner Roles/Decision Making WG update pbinkley
- Add topic ...
2. Facilitator and notetaker for May 12th, 2017 Call
3. Hydra Virtual Connect Update (Cowan)
- The first Virtual Connect was held Last year after Open Repositories 2016
- Virtual Connect 2017 is currently being planned
- This shall use a similar structure
- Lightning Talks with longer presentations are featured
- This is likely to be scheduled for after OR2017 (during mid-July)
- 3 hours in duration (11:00AM - 02:00PM EDT)
- Community should be expecting solicitation for Lightning Talks
- Interest Groups or Working Groups are welcome to join
- Virtual Connect is likely to use Adobe Connect or Zoom
- More details about this event will be released soon
4. Hydra Partner meeting Update (Green)
Please find the meeting agenda using: March 2017 Hydra Partner Meeting Agenda
Please find existing Issues on GitHub for Hydra Power Steering using: https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/power-steering/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%222017+springPartners%22
- The two days were a mixture of presentations, talks, and longer discussions
- Hydra Website Update
- Pretty well ready to go (the rebranding of Project Hydra aside)
- Rebranding Update
- University of Hull submitted 5 names to a branding consultant, as well as a trademark attorney
- Agora was removed (as it had been used by repository solution in the past)
- This left the following names:
- Samvera
- Tenejo
- Sufia
- Hykipo
- The name Penguin Paradigm was also introduced, and gained some traction
- However, the trademark lawyer felt strongly that penguins are a minefield (the community shouldn't go near them)
- Hydra Annual Report
- This was the first time an annual report was released
- With Hyku being actively developed, there was a need to be able to sell the product to administrators
- Estlund took the lead (with lots of help from others) to draft this, and the report is ready to be released
- (Skips the Road Mapping, integrated into the Partner Role discussion, as this is scheduled to be discussed as a separate agenda item)
- Project Licensing
- This was also addressed by Estlund
- Compelling case to changing the license from CC to another, less contentious license
- (Virtual Connect was already addressed previously by Cowan)
- Interest and Working Groups
- Ben Armintor overviewed the state of Interest and Working Groups within the community
- It was a brief discussion, and it addressed the active and dormant groups
- Hydra Training Update
- Sadler and Bussey discussed how they were progressing with training
- This often also involved discussions relating to documentation
- Clarified that the Hydra Advanced Training Camp curricular development is moving along
- Hydra Finances
- Ruggaber addressed this
- $60000 currently lies in the bank (with $10000 is earmarked for dealing with rebranding)
- There was a proposal to repeat the fundraising drive already successfully undertaken once
- This was accepted and coordination with DuraSpace is currently underway
- Ruggaber identified the precise how assets would be distributed in the next year
- (Further details are outlined in the annual report)
- Partner Roles and a Community Roadmap
- Green and Weinraub initiated a Working Group established to look at Partner Roles and the need for a Roadmap
- It was also noted that parties from U. Alberta successfully attended the meeting virtually and remotely - technology worked well and participation was active.
- Questions and Comments
- Woods enquired as to whether or not feedback was received for the new website?
- Green confirmed that there has been feedback captured
- Someone at the meeting indicated the absence of any IG's or WG's
- Also, there is a need to link to the annual report
- Green also noted that, on Friday afternoon, there was a discussion about the (very symbiotic) relationship between Fedora and Hydra
- Fleming (who has chaired the Fedora Leadership/Steering Group for the past year) made an impassioned plea for reconciliation of community friction
- There was a discussion about the limitations in some of the earlier releases of Fedora 4, with general agreement that 4.7 was very usable
- Woods regretted not being able to attend this meeting, will be making an active attempt to address any concerns
- Green clarified that there wasn't any friction between these two communities (Fedora and Hydra) at the meeting itself
- It also discussed that, on Friday afternoon, there was a discussion relating to the Code of Conduct and Hydra Helpers
- There was an emphasis placed upon there being a need to offer community support during and between meetings
- Woods enquired as to whether or not feedback was received for the new website?
5. Partner Roles/Decision Making WG Update (Binkley)
- A Working Group is going to discuss a new model for participation
- During a call scheduled earlier this week, what they are trying to achieve was clarified
- Overall, everyone is looking for organization and sustainability of the shared work
- This has been initiated by starting to construct RACI matrices
- These shall outline the current decision making process and governance structure of the community
- The outcome will be to draft these in respect to the development of Hyrax
- The group shall describe the development roadmap for what is needed during the next year
- It was clarified that there is no intention to criticize the existing model for governing the community (the organic model)
- The decision making process uses a scrum backlog for the community
- The group is also looking to define a list of roles and functions for the RACI matrices
- Warner indicated that this was a bit too extensive to be all-encompassing
- Questions/Comments
- Green noted that in thinking around Partner responsibilities, it was discussed that permanent staff might be needed
- Community Manager? Technical Manager? (These are not permanent roles being proposed, but merely suggestions which have been voiced)
- Richard Green (University of Hull)
- Nabeela Jaffer (U. Michigan)
- arouner (WUSTL)
- James Griffin (Lafayette College Libraries)
- awoods (DuraSpace)
- Maria Whitaker (Indiana University)
- wgcowan (Indiana University)
- pbinkley (U. Alberta)
- Simeon Warner (Cornell University)
- newmanld (U. Cincinnati)
- Alicia Morris (Tufts)
- Debra Hanken Kurtz (DuraSpace)
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