April 8, 2016
April 8, 2016
Dial: +1 (641) 715 3660
Access Code: 651025#
Mark Bussey (DCE)
newmanld (Cincinnati)
Agenda & Notes
- Roll Call
- Attending / Welcome New Folks
Mark Bussey (DCE)
newmanld (Cincinnati)
Critchlow, Matthew (UCSD)
Margaret Mellinger (Oregon State)
Fleming, Declan (Deactivated) (UCSD)
Chris Awre (Hull)
Richard Green (Hull)
asconrad (Deactivated) (Royal Library of Denmark)
DeanK (Cornell)
Mike Korcynski (Tufts)
Ray Lubinsky (UVA)
kestlund (Penn State)
Michael Friscia
Rick Johnson (Notre Dame)
wgcowan (Indiana)
Maria Whitaker (Indiana)
Nabeela Jaffer (Michigan)
krenee (Michigan)
Carolyn Caizzi (Northwestern)
Michael Joseph Giarlo (Stanford)
Sheila Rabun (University of Oregon)
Karen Cariani (WGBU) - Call for Agenda Items
- Attending / Welcome New Folks
- Next call - volunteers for Facilitator and Notetaker
- Date: May 13, 2016
- Facilitator: Karen Cariani (WGBH)
- Notetaker:
Carolyn Caizzi (Northwestern)
- Report out on LDCX / Power Steering (10-15 minutes)
- HPS notes at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B9PlX06oLe-0NkJNOURGMnYxN2c
- HPS Partnership notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D-eQtifKB_2Ubz9w7MlccfawCKEqBppTJZkWXeRFSiQ/edit
- Emphasize request for "in kind" contribution estimates to inform fund raising etc.
Richard discussed the need to gather information from the partners about our in-kind contributions. Hydra is a signficant enterprise when we look at the community as a whole. The fundraising target is relatively small in comparison. We will not publish the individual in kind contributions as quantified - just the total. - https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/power-steering/issues and https://waffle.io/projecthydra-labs/power-steering
In response to a question, Mark provided a brief overview of what /wiki/spaces/steering/pages/405211486 is - and this is not always obvious to new members - there is a smaller Samvera Board membership responsible for the stewardship of Hydra, licensing, coordination for larger community activities, the on-boarding partner process. (See also Samvera Steering Group Bylaws - October 2014.) In 2012 the Steering Group recognized the need for a larger, by-invitation group of circa 20-25 persons, representative of the community, for strategic planning, to discuss the health of the community, and where we need to go next. The last three Hydra Power steering meetings have been in conjunction with the LDCX conference at Stanford. It is not a static group of people but different every year. The Steering Group invites nominations from the community.
- Brainstorming - improve the Partner calls (10-15 minutes)
The Partner community is growing; what structure facilitates our meetings and makes them more vibrant? What is the best format, agenda, topic list? Should the agendas vary more between calls? Should we, and how do we, ask for agenda items with more advance notice? Who is the best person from the organization to attend these calls? Is it understood that partner organizations can send different individuals to the calls depending on the agenda and availability?
Should we put the call out for agenda items during the previous call - a week ahead of time? Does the Steering Group have any special responsibility? Comments indicated no - it's a partner call, the topics need to be determined by the Partners. Frequency of these calls can also be considered.
What are people hoping to get out of the calls? Are partner calls sometimes the place to start the discussion but not make actual or final decisions? Actual decisions may require more email to get the maximum level of involvement?
In addition to agenda items and information sharing, announcements about events, are there topics that can inform the calls? There are so many emails it is hard to know which ones to pay attention to; the partner call is one place to highlight announcements and events that we might have missed or to clarify issues that can't easily be explained in email.
This could be the call to call in and get an update on the Hydra community - directors might find that useful. Those kinds of updates could be quarterly, allowing us to prepare something in advance.
For some of us this is the only Hydra related call. Others participate in Interest and Working groups.
Could 1-2 partners give updates on any one call? 5 minutes or so? This could support Q&A. How to pre-coordinate who presents? When an institution thinks they have something exciting to present, or on a scheduled, rotating basis to cover all Partners? Up to 5-6 partners per month or is that too much time? By invitation could ask for a report from an institution not a partner, but doing something interesting with Hydra? Could be a report from a Working group? Would require using a platform that allows screen sharing, not just a verbal phone call. Should we try this on the next call? Karen Cariani (next facilitator) agreed to do this - to put out a request for participation in advance.
Would help the notetaker to have people sign up on the agenda page in advance, if they plan to attend.
- Survey re partner calls (10-15 minutes)
Please review: https://www.surveymonkey.com/create/survey/preview?r=true&sm=Zj6A3XXhuGu_2FUvRu2DqKPvKQaZ9l7UaxDVF2eZrwwLVlc6s1UaPdIlRGJ1F_2BaL22njbPYUpEqbf4B83PhSD4fQ_3D_3D
(Don't try to complete the survey yet; survey is under discussion)
The consensus was to try the partner updates during the call (see above) - before sending out a survey to get more input. But a summary to the partner e-list about our discussion today may be useful to encourage participation in the idea. Mark volunteered to form a small working group of this call's and next call's facilitator and notetaker to discuss how to report out about the new call format and agenda process. - Prospective Partner Intel Sharing (if time allows)
(details not included in notes) - Any other old or new business (if time allows)
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