March 9, 2012

March 9, 2012


Tom - Stanford
Richard - Hull
Chris - Hull
Steve - NU
Rick - ND
Matt - MediaShelf

  • agenda for Stanford face to face
  • OR12 submission
  • major releases
  • partner agreements

Hydra Partner Meeting Agenda
See https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/hydra/March+2012+Agenda+and+Notes
Add topics. (It's a wiki!)


Proposing a Hydra Panel for FUG. If accepted, will be opportunity to give community an update on Hydra tech and community growth since last year
Many other institution-specific proposals submitted

Major Releases Process

09:30] <flyingzumwalt> Release Managers put out release plan
30 <flyingzumwalt> Announce that Release Candidates are ready for review on XX date & Circulate Draft of Release Notes
30 <flyingzumwalt> Invite new adopters to do a fresh install of RCs
30 <flyingzumwalt> Allow 2 weeks for review & feedback (ie. Wait until Partner Meeting in March)
30 <flyingzumwalt> Website owner & documentation manager prep updates
30 <flyingzumwalt> Given that there are no objections, release goes out, documentation updated & news posted
30 <flyingzumwalt> Rely primarily on active developers of current components for review
30 <flyingzumwalt> Strongly encourage less-active participants to try RCs and express concerns

MOU, Addendum, CLA

founding MOU ready for signature at Stanford; will distribute 4 copies to other three signatories
UVa counsel working on 1 page addendum for add'l partners
CLA hasn't changed; Richard has nice redlined version showing deltas from stock Apache CLAs

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