January 14, 2012

January 14, 2012

Hi All,

We did have a very brief call where we discussed folks posting OR 20212 proposal ideas to the list (Richard will follow up with an email on that).

I inquired about the status of the MOU and CCLA's. To give you an update from Notre Dame, I passed the MOU and CCLA's to our counsel, and they do not want to comment until it is final. It sounds like the MOU that was distributed after the December meeting may actually be the final version (please confirm)?

Also, there is mention within the MOU of a non-steering partner agreement. Has this been drafted yet?


Rick Johnson
Head, Digital Library Services Department
Hesburgh Libraries
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN USA 46556 http://www.library.nd.edu

On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 11:32 AM, Tom Cramer <tcramer@stanford.edu> wrote:

I have just looked at my calendar and realized there is a Hydra Partners call scheduled for right now. My apologies: PASIG is running this week (W-F), and with the preparation for the event I am doublebooked and overlooked preparation and announcements.

Given that we just met face to face in December and many of us were likely dormant for the last two weeks of last month, I propose we cancel this month's call.

  • Tom

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