Metadata Call 2024-01-23
Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm Eastern
Call-In Info: Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
Community Notes: Samvera Metadata Interest Group Meeting: 2024 Rolling Minutes
Moderator(s): Annamarie
Notetaker: Emma
@Juliet Hardesty
@Emma Beck
@Cara Key
@Anna Goslen
@Annamarie Klose
@Maggie Dickson (old account)
@Heather Greer Klein
Welcome and introductions, including overview of the group
Mostly returning faces (always welcoming to new faces too)
Last year did a lot of work on OAI-PMH to create recommendations
Welcoming discussion for the community. Feel free to chime-in if there are any things people wish to be discussed
Roadmaps Alignment Group update
Not many updates. Haven’t met since Dec
Working to get valkarized Hyrax in Fedora 6
Samvera contracted Softserv to do the other piece. Migration path from Fedora 4 to fedora 6 or postgres
This includes the migration of files
Meeting this week
Dev Congress - Julie is attending. Will loop us in if there is anything relevant
Sorting - not something we’re all going to agree on, but maybe something more configurable
Heather giving talk at CNI (similar to the one at DLF) and will share the recording once it’s available
Question: How do institutions store/display ORCIDs (ORCID ) and RORs (Research Organization Registry (ROR) ) in their Hyrax repositories? While there is a Hyrax-ORCID gem ( ), there may be other integrations in the community on interest to this group.
Trying to make sure Hyrax repository matches Datasite. How to model and store the information
ORCID gem is a real integration (was developed for Hyku originally), just looking into where the ORCID/ROR is being stored in data fields
University of Cincinnati is maybe using it. University of Virginia might have something
UNC is storing it in nested person records. Interested in setting up RORs in questioning authority
Oregon State would like to do something similar at some point
Where are persistent identifiers stored - ORCID & DOI which was maybe done on Hyku?
Something to think about is the Valkarized options and the back end options. Possible future options for additional hierarchy
Discuss February's Accessibility Roundtable
Julie and Anna will present
Still looking for additional presenters
Open Discussion
Next meeting: February 27, 2024, 2-3 pm Eastern