Fall 2021 Partner Meeting
Tuesday 12th - Wednesday 13th October, 2021 11:00am - 2:00pm EDT
NEW Connection information: https://zoom.us/j/94799344008?pwd=b0lsa2FrRzdPb0t4dTZLbGpUVzZYQT09
Collaborative Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-6jTtPhFNjAFv8nMJykYXQMkPSCEq9dTDxRsYfQV8l0/edit?usp=sharing
@Jon Dunn (Indiana University) - will need to miss Tue 1:00-1:45 and most of Wed due to prior commitments
@John Weise (University of Michigan) - I’ll miss much of Wednesday due to schedule conflicts.
@Chrissy Rissmeyer (she/her) (UC Santa Barbara) - I may be late joining both days due to school drop-off (Pacific time zone)
@Carolyn Caizzi (Northwestern)
@Hannah Frost (Stanford)
@Jim Halliday (Indiana University)
@Esmé Cowles (Princeton)
@Alicia Morris (Tufts)
@Robin Lindley Ruggaber (University of Virginia)
@Glen Horton (Cincinnati)
@Rosalyn Metz (Emory)
@Rick Johnson (U of Notre Dame)
@Stuart Kenny (Digital Repository of Ireland)
@Nabeela Jaffer (University of Michigan)
@Chris Awre (University of Hull)
@Margaret Mellinger (Oregon State University)
@Karen Cariani (WGBH)
@Simeon Warner (Cornell)
@tamsin johnson (UC Santa Barbara)
@Harriett Green (Washington University in St. Louis)
@Hilt, Jessica (Deactivated) (UC San Diego)
@Daniel Coughlin (Penn State)
@Kirsten Leonard (PALNI, Hyku for Consortia project)
@Jill Morris (PALCI, Hyku for Consortia project)
@Rob Kaufman (Notch8) - I’ll miss most of Wednesday AM due to a previously scheduled call
Data Curation Experts (Regrets due to schedule collision - we’ll check in on the notes and recording, please reach out if there’s anything we can help with)
Tuesday 12th October | ||
11:00 am EDT | Housekeeping and New Partner Introduction | Heather Greer Klein |
11:10 | Updates for Partners with time for questions and feedback
| Alicia Morris, Heather Greer Klein |
11:40 | Hyrax update and current initiatives: functional areas; Finishing Wings work; Tech Lead Role | Julie Hardesty |
11:45 | Avalon update and current initiatives | Jon Cameron |
11:45 | Hyku update and current initiatives | Kevin Kochanski |
12:00 | Break | |
12:20 | Proposal for changing the terms of Board chair; updating language in bylaws regarding election timing | Carolyn Caizzi |
12:45 | Connect 2022 – Discussion about location, meeting in person | Heather Greer Klein |
1:00 | Core Components Working Group plans for 2022 | James Griffin |
1:20 | Parking lot and wrap-up | Heather Greer Klein |
Wednesday 13th October | ||
11:00 am EDT | Housekeeping | Heather Greer Klein |
11:10 | 1-2-4-All Activity: What is your organization doing in the coming year with regard to Samvera? This activity will help develop a shared understanding of what Partners have planned for 2022 and help the Board and Working Groups align their work accordingly. | Esmé Cowles |
12:10 | Break |
12:25 | 1-2-4-All Activity: What do you hope to do with Samvera (technology and/or Community) in the next 2-5 years? This activity will inform strategic planning by the Board at their virtual Board retreat in January. | Simeon Warner |
1:25 | Community Manager year one reflection on goals/goals for the next year | Heather Greer Klein |
1:50 | Parking lot and wrap-up | Heather Greer Klein |
Parking Lot