CCMWG - 10/01/18

CCMWG - 10/01/18


Time:12:00PM PDT/03:00PM EDT - 01:00PM PDT/04:00PM EDT

Zoom: https://princeton.zoom.us/j/397525264



  • Review the Retrospective for Sprint 2
    • Capture any additional feedback from those who were unavailable on 09/24/18
  • Preparation for Samvera Connect
    • Lightning Talk


Sprint 2 Retrospective


  • This is the opportunity for retrospective feedback for the last sprint and the WG as a whole
  • Should we recharter?
  • Seems like most are in favor or rechartering...when should we do it?


  • Shared their feedback in the Slack Channel
  • Unavailable due to illness last week


  • Joined in 15:05 EDT
  • Really likes the idea of rechartering...appreciates all of the time and effort invested by all members
  • Feels that it would be useful to perpetuate this WG
  • Also, feels that this is healthy on a number of levels for community maintenance


  • This Working Group officially ends at the conclusion of Samvera Connect 2018
  • We can probably move to recharter during SC, and put out a call for participation


  • How do we encourage participation from the community for those currently in the role of Product Owner?


  • It would be valuable to better define the expectations of Product Owners as contributors

Samvera Partner Meeting


  • Can volunteer to be there at the Partner Meeting...


  • Armintor is going to be present at the Partner Meeting

Lightning Talk at Samvera Connect


  • Is there going to be a plenary event in which we issue IG and WG updates?


  • There is going to be an opportunity for plenary checkin, but this was recently decided


  • Uncertain, but this is likely for quick summary updates


  • Will investigate this, and these updates would render the proposed Lightning Talk unnecessary
  • Here is an outline of what we achieved:
    • We ensured that Product Owners were identified for core components
    • We deprecated certain components which this WG did not feel could be maintained by us
    • We brought core components up to community-defined standards
    • Is this representative of what we've achieved over the last year?


  • Identifies that the understanding of the community standards for core components within the WG were not quite adequate
    • We needed to discuss tracking contributions at the Partner level and individual level for components
    • We needed to discuss the state of licensing for each component
    • The state of maintainable APIs and semantic version tracking for each component were also points of uncertainty
  • These were important outcomes which should be noted

Breakout Session at Samvera Connect

  • Pendragon:
    • There are many scheduling conflicts if we're holding it for just our members
    • Unless we want others to attend, maybe we should not sign up for a slot
    • Conversations such as what would be held could just as easily take place during the call
  • Agreed, this WG is not going to sign up for a slot

No additional agenda items were identified for discussion during this final meeting


  • Will be drafting a list of talking points to be shared with us
  • Also, there will be a follow-up from a call being held on Thursday
  • Please look out for these communications

Meeting adjourned at 15:17EDT

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