CCMWG - 07/09/18
CCMWG - 07/09/18
Time:12:00PM PDT/03:00PM EDT - 01:00PM PDT/04:00PM EDT
Zoom: https://princeton.zoom.us/j/397525264
- Trey Pendragon (Princeton University Library)
- Bess Sadler (DCE)
- Noah Botimer (University of Michigan Library)
- Tom Johnson (DCE)
- James Griffin (Princeton University Library)
- Review the Doodle Poll
- Review the Maintenance Waffle Board
- https://waffle.io/samvera-labs/maintenance
- Label colors
- Update on deprecation email for Sufia and Curation Concerns
- Sufia
- Curation Concerns
- Planning the Sprint
- Communicating with stakeholders using samvera-tech
- Additional Agenda Items?
Doodle Poll Scheduling
- (Completed during the call)
- There were almost no times where everybody is available
- Two weeks were proposed by Pendragon:
- 08/13 - 08/17
- Also, either the weeks of 09/17 or 09/24
- 09/17 is Pendragon's preference
- Johnson wouldn't be able to join week of 08/13, but won't be completely offline
- 08/13 - 08/17 and 09/17 - 09/21 were set for the two sprints
Update on the proposal on hydra-jetty and jetty-wrapper
- om is a dependency of hydra-works
- Used to parse the FITS technical output
- Good case not to deprecate it
- But, it needs one of use to serve as product owner
- Sadler in the CCMWG is interested in seeing it maintained
- Pendragon will send out e-mail and ask for a product owner for the om Gem
- Used to parse the FITS technical output
Update on deprecation e-mail for Sufia and CurationConcerns
- Pendragon still needs to send the e-mail
E-mail to communicate with stakeholders on samvera-tech
- Griffin will send
- We've made these labels inside the projects, if there are things which are maintenance related, please add the label and communicate over Slack
Outstanding actionable items
- Johnson will return to the label colors on the Waffle board
First Sprint for 08/13/18 - 08/17/18
- Maintenance tickets for...
- hydra-pcdm, active_fedora and ldp
- Call for Participation e-mail
- Pendragon will issue this during this afternoon
Meeting adjourned at 15:15 EDT
, multiple selections available,
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