


Time:12:00PM PDT/03:00PM EDT - 01:00PM PDT/04:00PM EDT

Zoom: https://princeton.zoom.us/j/281265700




Samvera Connect

  • Trey volunteered to give two updates
  • One will be for Partners, and the other will be for Wednesday
  • On Wednesday, we will call for a chair
  • Noah will not be attending Samvera Connect

Future for the Workin Group

  • CfP: We will discuss this the Friday after the conference
  • Timeline: Week after the conference, we will send out the CfP
  • We will wait for feedback following this, and then wind down
  • If there is no chair for this group following Samvera Connect, do we just stop the phases of the Working Group?
  • Noah:
    • It might be useful to consider which level of time commitment was taken by the chair for this WG
  • Trey:
  • Will definitely provide this, does not object
  • There is strength in making clear the value in volunteering to enable what is valuable community work

Gem Advisory

  • Tom: Hyrax will drop PowerConverter, rather than support routing work through the CCMWG
  • Please see Pull Request 4097

Meeting adjourned at 12:15 PDT/15:15 EDT