Time:12:00PM PDT/03:00PM EDT - 01:00PM PDT/04:00PM EDT
Zoom: https://princeton.zoom.us/j/281265700
- Trey Pendragon (Princeton University Library)
- Mark Bussey (Data Curation Experts)
- James Griffin (Princeton University Library)
- https://github.com/samvera/questioning_authority/issues/260
- 07/29/19 - 08/02/19 Sprint Review
- Check out the GitHub Board Review Column
- (Overview of questioning_authority issue 260)
Desired topics for discussion
- How are we going to proceed with this Working Group?
- Need more in attendance for this discussion
- How are we going to report out at Samvera Connect?
GitHub Board Review Column
- Open PR in hydra-pcdm for increased test coverage
- Request for review
stale hydra-pcdm/hydra-works
- James proposed that review be undertaken by using pairing remaining issues, and contacting the authors on each of these
- 3 years old or older, inclined to close these out if they don't have action
- That seems reasonable
- Mark will reach out to the reporters for these remaining stale issues
Deprecating OM
- All of the links will still work
- ArcLight sprint plans to get away from it entirely, we can just move it to samvera-labs
- Should give 30 days for comments
- James will send that request for comments and the timeline
Deprecation for Solrizer
- There was a banner introduced by Justin some time ago
- The repository was successfully moved to samvera-deprecated
- Created an issue to remove this as a Core Component from samvera.github.io
- We will need to update iiif-manifest also now that it has been promoted (maintenance#401)
ActiveFedora Release 12.2.0
- James will follow-up for this by contacting Tom
Agenda for the Next Scheduled Meeting
- Do we have our deliverables?
- Are we going to restart another phase of this Working Group?
Questions regarding the Samvera Roadmap Council
- Main discussions were for Hyrax
- Very happy that we are here, and it would be disappointing if we did not continue the group
Meeting adjourned at 12:17PDT/15:17EDT
, multiple selections available,