Time:12:00PM PDT/03:00PM EDT - 01:00PM PDT/04:00PM EDT
Zoom: https://princeton.zoom.us/j/281265700
- Mark Bussey (Data Curation Experts)
- tamsin woo (UC Santa Barbara)
- James Griffin (Princeton University Library)
- https://github.com/samvera/hydra-head/pull/488
- This was due to a CircleCI configuration error for testing against active-fedora 10.3.0 releases
- James found that hydra-works also tests against versions of active-fedora (https://github.com/samvera/hydra-works/blob/master/.circleci/config.yml), but this should be resolved by (https://github.com/samvera-labs/samvera-circleci-orb/pull/18)
- Support for Rails 6.0.0
- Released on 08/15/19: https://weblog.rubyonrails.org/2019/8/15/Rails-6-0-final-release/
- Security updates are only available for 6.0.x and 5.2.x releases: https://rubyonrails.org/security/
- iiif_manifest promotion complete?
- Promotion Template https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PPoIM0ipHZe8ZavycTi1xpJtx-S-tYvOs5KJqJvH4EQ#
- Promotion Guidelines https://samvera.github.io/samvera_labs.html
- Mark will contact Adam and collaborate on the final promotion steps
- Roadmap Council and Samvera Connect
- GitHub Board Review Column
- hydra-head issues were resolved (this was outlined above)
- Support for Rails 6.0.0
- James will create the core component issues to drop 5.1.x on a per-project basis and look to support 6.0.0 releases
- Tom: 5.2.x support for Hyrax might not be as strongly recommended as it needs to be at this point
- Contributors might not have time to get in 6.0.0 support
- Mark: Tried 5.2.x recently with Bess Sadler, and ended up falling back to 5.1.x in preparation for a Samvera Camp
- Tom: Can explore addressing this with the Hyrax WG
- Mark: More information forthcoming next week regarding the status of this for upcoming Samvera Camps
- iiif_manifest Promotion
- All criteria for promotion have been fulfilled for this core component
- Mark and Adam Wead (the new product owner) will collaborate to issue an official message to the community announcing this
- For future promotions, we should try and have the Product Owner more directly involved in this process
- Roadmap Council to the Connect Program Committee
- There will be a small panel at Samvera Connect and this WG will be expected to provide updates for Samvera Partners
- Expect that this WG will be requested to provide an outline (presentation materials) for future phases of this WG
- We should draft something in preparation for this
- CircleCI should be specified in the community documentation to be the preferred continuous integration platform to Travis CI
- (Please see https://samvera.github.io/samvera_labs.html#code-requirements)
- This should be updated in the documentation
- James has created https://github.com/samvera/samvera.github.io/issues/402
Meeting concluded at 12:17PDT/15:17 EDT
, multiple selections available,