Time:12:00PM PDT/03:00PM EDT - 01:00PM PDT/04:00PM EDT
Zoom: https://princeton.zoom.us/j/281265700
- Trey Pendragon (Princeton University Library)
- tamsin woo (UC Santa Barbara)
- Noah Botimer (U. Michigan)
- James Griffin (Princeton University Library)
Health Report
We should double-check the list of Gems which were promoted and deprecated
Anything that depends on Rails 6.0.0 requires a version of active-model which requires Ruby 2.5
As a result, updating active-fedora to support Rails 6.0.0 does not permit Ruby 2.4 to be used in the builds
Support for future releases:
With the Rails release of 6.1.0, we will only release versions 6.0.Z and 5.2.Z
Blacklight still does not support Rails 6.0.0