


Time:12:00PM PDT/03:00PM EDT - 01:00PM PDT/04:00PM EDT

Zoom: https://princeton.zoom.us/j/281265700




Sprint Scheduling (Trey)

Sprint Planning (Trey)

  • We need to address the deprecation of at least one component (om)
  • Waffle is being closing down on May 16th
  • Bess: They are offering a migration path to GitHub Projects
  • Trey: Does GH Projects support boards which integrate multiple repositories
  • Tom: Believes that this might be supported, it needs to be investigated
  • Trey: At Princeton, this is being explored internally, and it may be a commercial service
  • Tom: Is GitHub integration is a requirement?
  • Trey: Absolutely required? Not sure
  • Tom: Trello integration with multiple GitHub repositories is probably a disaster, but it might serve for a baseline
  • Trey: GitHub Projects are probably just as good as a Trello board
  • It's going to require that we create individual issues/cards for each maintenance task
  • Duplication of issues in GitHub (the maintenance repository) and the individual repositories
  • Noah: I think it will be important to list the key / absolutely required features
  • i think the action item here is to list those and the options...

  • Trey: (Exploring GitHub Projects)
  • It might create all of the backlog issues for each repository into the new GitHub Project backlog
  • This also prohibits planning for today until this synchronization is tested
  • Bess: When diagnosing breaking builds, the Core Components Maintenance WG page provides a useful set of badges
  • http://samvera.github.io/core_components.html
  • Travis updated Bundler to 2.0
  • There were also updates for the Solr downloads by Apache
  • Trey: CircleCI should have nightly builds configured for certain components
  • Tom: Hyrax used to alarm the rest of the community given that it was rebuild on CI nearly every day
  • Trey: Restarted the builds
  • Bess will create issues for those components which break after these builds were restarted

Valkyrie Promotion

Updated: The ldp Component is breaking due to the bundler build issues on Travis CI, so many components are likely going to break

Next week, we will review the GitHub Project after it has imported

The meeting adjourned at 12:18 PST/15:18EST

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