Time:12:00PM PDT/03:00PM EDT - 01:00PM PDT/04:00PM EDT
Zoom: https://princeton.zoom.us/j/281265700
- Trey Pendragon (Princeton University Library)
- tamsin woo (UC Santa Barbara)
- Noah Botimer (U. Michigan)
- James Griffin (Princeton University Library)
- Call for Participation
- New Chair for Phase 4 of the Working Group
- GitHub Board Review Column
Draft CfP for Phase 4 of the Working Group
- Component Maintenance Working Group (Phase 4)
- This is mostly going to just be copying the Scope & Objectives from Phase 3
- We will look for feedback from Steering on this
- We should keep "Phase", as this remains a Working Group, and Working Groups are required to have a sunset date
- Should this phase be one year or six months?
- Draft it as one year, and see about feedback
- Re-evaluating the Core Components and reporting during Spring Partner meetings is redundant
- Explicitly clarify that feature requests were out of scope
- Explicitly state that bugs in core components must be addressed by the WG during the next phase (providing the ClamAV bug as a better example)
- James will fix the links for the notes in order to ensure that those for Phase 3 are on a separate child page
Action Items
- Partner Discussion needs to take place
- Trey will be working with Anna Headley and Eliot Jordan to generate the report on the component GitHub repositories
Hydra Editor
- Nurax had an upgrade process which caused a failure with faraday-encoding
- James found this breaking on https://github.com/samvera/hydra-editor/pull/180
- https://github.com/samvera/hydra-editor/pull/180 is now breaking on CircleCI with Solr issues
- Tom: It would be best if we had a `Gemfile.lock` diff which demonstrates how this error could be resolved for earlier versions of ActiveFedora (as this is not in use)
James needed to leave for a conflicting meeting at 15:30 EDT
, multiple selections available,