Time:12:00PM PDT/03:00PM EDT - 01:00PM PDT/04:00PM EDT
Zoom: https://princeton.zoom.us/j/281265700
- Trey Pendragon (Princeton University Library)
- bess (Data Curation Experts)
- tamsin woo (UC Santa Barbara)
- James Griffin (Princeton University Library)
Reviewing the Health Report
- Quantifying contributions to the WG should highlight that the amount of contribution is pretty sparse
- The estimate in the report is pretty generous
- Tom: Keeping it is a fine resolution (if nobody else objects to it being 3 FTE)
- Promoted fewer Gems than we deprecated
- Compatibility Reports
- Formatting?
- Placing the tables on their own pages
- We should add Rails 6 support as a Dev Congress topic
- Supporting Rails releases for certain components might be blocked upstream by Blacklight
- Why does ldp test against Rails?
- If this is an unacceptable state, then we need to be tracking the Rails release 4-5 months ahead of each stable release
- Hyrax is hopefully weeks away from a Rails 5.2 compliant release
- Release Report
- There is now unreleased code
- Components without new releases typically don't require anything additional
- Security
- GitHub offers a policy tab
- This should be configured
- Alerting WG to security issues
- We should encourage community members to contact us
- Policy
- Samvera as a whole has a policy for security issues
- Wiki: Report a security vulnerability
- E-Mail Samvera Steering
- There is also a longer document...there is communication earlier first
- Then, there is a delay before the public is made aware of this
- There is also: /wiki/spaces/samvera/pages/408722317
- This should be public, and we should only publish these after they have been fixed
- This WG should ensure that security vulnerabilities should be reported directly to Steering and coordinated
- We will communicate with Steering and assure them that we will notify them
- This might be an item for the next phase of this WG
- Do we need any additional sections for the report?
- All concur, this is finalized
Working Group Deliverables
- We should clarify that item 6 should include generating the report using the tool Ben made
- We still need to run the component assessment tool
- We also need to discuss our renewal process
- We are running the WG until a few weeks following Samvera Connect 2019
- We either generate a CfP for the next phase prior to Samvera Connect
- We need to identify a new chair
- Or, after Samvera Connect, we issue the CfP
- Here, the CfP will be extended past the life of the phase
- Do we generate the CfP for the next phase prior to Samvera Connect
- Tom: We should have a CfP in draft
- Trey and Tom cannot commit to chairing the next round of this group
- Trey:
- Prior to Samvera Connect, identify a chair
- If we are unable to find one from Connect, dissolve the group
- Having the CfP drafted prior to Connect has limitations
- We need feedback captured during Connect in order to determine the deliverables for the WG
- We should still draft this prior to Connect
- Send it out after Connect
- Make it last for three weeks, and make this WG last for that period
- Tom:
- There is an outstanding question regarding the goals for the next phase
- Do we maintain these charts and ensure that they are all green?
- Or, do we address feature-related work?
- We can only determine this by gauging the discussion at Connect
- Trey:
- We are reporting to Partners on Monday
- We can share that information during that report
Next Week
- Draft a CfP
- Homework: Consider who would like to serve as a Chair
Meeting adjourned at 12:29 PDT/15:29 EDT
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