UX analysis for new/edit forms

UX analysis for new/edit forms

Critical questions in bold orange. Recommendations in blue.

Admin SetsCollectionsCollection TypesWorksComments
tabsDescription onlyDescription onlyDescription onlyAll tabs

I'm ok with the difference in action here because the works UI is significantly different than the others.


save button nameSaveCreate CollectionSaveSave

Which pattern do you want to move towards?

"Save" for all

save goes toeditediteditshow

Seems like Works is a set pattern by itself.Ā  The other 3 should probably be the same.

Agree, the Save button on Work should do what it currently does: redirect to the Admin Show Work page.

The other three should also continue as is, since the first Save results in new tabs being displayed.

cancel button nameCancelCancelCancelCancel

This is truly cancel in all cases.


cancel goes toindexHomeindexDashboard

These seem wrong and should probably be index for all.

Agree. Admin Sets and Collection Types should stay as is, going back to appropriate index page. Cancel on New Collection should be updated to go to Collections index page. Similarly, Cancel on New Work should be updated to go to Works index page.

tabsAll tabsAll tabsAll tabsAll tabsThis seems correct in all cases.
save button nameSaveUpdate CollectionSaveSave

Which pattern do you want to move towards?

"Save changes" for all

save goes toeditshoweditshow

Which pattern do you want to move towards?

I think we should remain on the same tab as where the save is being made, since we have no way to know what the user might want to do next (verify their change in another window, edit another tab, etc.).

cancel button nameCancelCancelCancelCancel

If we stay on the edit page, it seems like this should be Done.

I don't think we should stay on the edit page, or there wouldn't really be a reason for a Cancel button.

cancel goes toindexHomeindexDashboard

These seem wrong and should probably be index for all.

Agree. Cancel should go to the appropriate Index page, Admin Sets and Collection Types currently do this; Edit Collection should be updated so Cancel returns the user to the Collections index page, and Edit Work should go to Works index page.

has save button?noyesyesyes

I'm not as concerned about this, but it is an inconsistency.

If all the actions on the Participants page take effect immediately, as I think they are intended to, I don't think a save button is needed on any of these pages. There might be current problems because with consistency because 1) Collection and Work still use the old "Sharing" approach to adding participants, and 2) some of these pages might be using the Save button to save all tabs (not have independent, tab-specific Save buttons).

add happens immediatelyyesyesyesyes

This seems correct in all cases.

Okay, so based on this I think it would be safe to remove the Save button from the Participants/Sharing tab for these four pages.