Metadata Call 2016-01-27

Time: 10:00 am PST / 1:00 pm EST

Call-In Info: +1 (641) 715 3660, access code 651025 

Moderator: Juliet Hardesty (Indiana University) 
Juliet Hardesty (Indiana University)

Alicia Morris (Tufts University)
alexander.may (Tufts University)
Esme Cowles (Princeton University)
Corey Harper (New York University)
Ryan Wick (Oregon State University)
Julia Simic (University of Oregon)
sanderson (Boston Public Library)
mcmillwh (University of Cincinnati) (Texas A&M)
Chrissy Rissmeyer (she/her) (University of Oregon)
villereal (University of Virginia) 

  1. Subgroup reports
    1. Descriptive Working Group
      1. (From  carolyn.hansen via email) - no update, next meeting will be Feb. 17
    2. MODS and RDF Descriptive Metadata Subgroup
      1. Mapping mods:physicalDescription is current work - looked at using dcterms:extent but can't use literals according to ontology definition
      2. Mapping mods:abstract is next
    3. Applied Linked Data Working Group
      1. Notes from Jan. 21, 2016 meeting provide more details
      2. Decided to recommend excluding OCR
      3. Discussed using different predicates for object modeling - predicates being used for string literals in different ontologies; going to contact DC Terms regarding that term to see if that can be changed to allow for literals
      4. What happens when a controlled vocabulary no longer exists - DC Terms example, a controlled vocabulary they recommend doesn’t exist anymore - Github issue for it so it might come back; discussion about what to do in those cases
      5. Domain of predicates, could bibframe:extent be used with literal? Domain says you have to be under Bibframe instance so top level element would have to be Bibframe and what does that mean for objects
    4. Segment of a File Working Group
      1. Referring to segments of a file - Recommendation out for review until end of this week - if you have any feedback, please send it!
      2. Will finalize with working group based on feedback
      3. Meant as a starter recommendation covering common file types and documenting practices that are already in place for Hydra applications
  2. Issues/Questions
  3. Review Metadata IG Requests and Priorities
    1. Hydra Developers Congress next week - they might be abel to fill in information or add items for us to consider
      1. IIIF might be worked on
      2. broader discussion of descriptive metadata
  4. Additional Items
  5. Action Items
    1. Julie will check with James Griffin about what was happening for GIS Data Modeling WG in Metadata Call 2016-01-13
      1. GeoBlacklight meeting at Stanford this week so there might some more details/issues from that as well
      2. Corey will check with NYU folks to see if they have any info - they are also at this meeting