Metadata Call 2016-01-13

Metadata Call 2016-01-13

Time: 10:00 am PST / 1:00 pm EST

Call-In Info: +1 (641) 715 3660, access code 651025 

Moderator:  carolyn.hansen (Univ. of Cincinnati)
mcmillwh (Univ. of Cincinnati)

  1. Subgroup reports
    1. Descriptive Working Group
      1. Notes from meeting on 01/06 - Descriptive Metadata Call 2016-01-06
      2. Discussed creating an additional lesson for the Dive into Hydra tutorial - (https://github.com/projecthydra/hydra/wiki/Dive-into-Hydra)
        1. focus will be working with multiple vocabularies and the controller
      3. NYU is working on something similar for Ichabod, so Corey will share results with the larger Hydra community and get feedback on whether it should be incorporated into the tutorial
        1. Once Corey reports back to the group in mid-February, work will commence
      4. Carolyn will update info about the group's charge on the wiki
    2. MODS and RDF Descriptive Metadata Subgroup
      1. Notes from last meeting -  MODS and RDF Call 2016-01-11
        1. continued going through MODS elements
          1. OriginInfo elements that don't deal with dates
          2. Language element
        2. will next look at physicalDescription
    3. Applied Linked Data Working Group
      1. Overview of what this group has / is doing and why: https://wiki.duraspace.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=72549940 
    4. Segment of a File Working Group
      1. No update.
  2. Issues/Questions
    1. General inquiry regarding the structuring and publication of local ontologies within the Hydra Community
      1. This emerged from a number of issues within the GIS Data Modeling WG of the Geospatial Interest Group
      2. We'll table this for the moment and Carolyn will get additional info from Julie
  3. Review Metadata IG Requests and Priorities
    1. Hydra rights to Web ACLs - Waiting for Fedora sprint
    2. Collect User Stories for Descriptive Metadata Practices - Descriptive WG - completed
    3. How to handle MODS XML in RDF environment - MODS Descriptive subgroup - in progress
    4. Implementing Linked Data Fragments - Applied Link Data WG - in progress
    5. Recommendation for referring to a segment of a file, see https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/hydra-works/issues/34  Segment of a file Structural WG - Carolyn will check with Julie for an update
    6. Recommendation for interoperability with IIIF metadata - Segment of a file Structural WG - Carolyn will check with Julie for an update
  4. Additional Items
    1. reminder to update the Metadata IG Requests and Priorities document as you work through the tasks
  5. Action Items
    1. none