2023-06-09 Partner Call

2023-06-09 Partner Call




Samvera Partners Call

Friday, June 9th, 2023

11:30 am  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-05:00)  |  1 hr

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Meeting ID: 819 7331 3501
Passcode: 603236
Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kkbAJ584n

Code of Conduct

We want Samvera Community to be a fun, informative, engaging event for all our partners and participants.

  1. We encourage everyone to apply the Samvera community principles of openness, inquiry, and respect in their interactions at the event.

  2. Please review the Code of Conduct and Anti-Harassment Policy.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to community helpers

Facilitator: @Esmé Cowles

Note Taker: @Hilt, Jessica (Deactivated)


  • Your name here!

  • @Robin Ruggaber

  • @Karen Cariani

  • @Chris Awre

  • @Nicholas Mark Homenda

  • @Kevin Kochanski

  • @Nora Zimmerman

  • @Brian McBride

  • @Jim Halliday

Agenda & Notes

  1. Any other items for the agenda? 

  2. Demo: Princeton University, PDC Describe

  3. Hyrax Valkyrization Sprint updates
    Kevin - May 22nd - Project Management planning - Gotten up to speed and fixed bugs. Focusing on reqs for files.

$53K in funding. 3.5 weeks of funding.

  1. Samvera Repository Rodeo presentation at Open Repositories 2023

    1. Heather looking for your ideas of the most important things to highlight about Samvera technologies as related to this question:

      1. How does your repository and community develop and implement standards, frameworks, architectures, and methodologies to enable discoverability and interoperability?

        1. IIIF

        2. Leveraging ORCID and DOIs.

        3. Co-locate subject material type.

        4. North American push for IR repository data standards.

  2. Samvera Connect 2023 updates

    1. Call for proposals – closes June 21st for workshops, presentations, panels

      1. Discussion item: what are some topics you would like to see for sessions? What would make this a must-attend event? What kind of content should Heather be reaching out to the community for?

    2. RSVP poll – please have everyone at you institution fill out today if they haven’t already. Responses and comments have been extremely helpful to the planning committee.

  3. Other Updates:

    1. Call for Partner call demos – July to December are open

    2. Julie Allinson Award 2023 nominations are open!

      1. Contributions welcome for the award fund

Anything for the Samvera Board? (Standing item)

Date of next call: July 14th



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