Samvera Tech Call 2024-07-03
Meeting Logistics:
Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT
Zoom Meeting URL:
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Agenda (meeting notes below)
Discussing flexible metadata needs @LaRita Robinson
With the work begging to merge the concepts of AllinsonFlex (which supports only ActiveFedora) into Hyrax for Valkyrie, there have been some requests for changes. We would like to more fully understand the needs reasons for the requests so we can work on a design that will fill the needs.
Pull Requests needing review
Moderator: @Daniel Pierce
Notetaker: @Rebekah Kati
@Juliet Hardesty
@Bradley Watson
@LaRita Robinson
Margaret Kibi
Meeting Process
Flexible metadata discussion :gift: WIP Flexible metadata for Valkyrie Objects by orangewolf · Pull Request #6830 · samvera/hyrax
Comments that folks want flexibility on a model-by-model basis. Current implementation is all-or-nothing
Could affect implementation in existing systems
May not want flexible metadata on admin sets or file sets. LaRita comments that this functionality will probably be taken out for now, as it was a one-off client request and it appears it will need quite a bit more work to implement.
Could affect collections
alternate proposal: make metadata for file sets or admin sets only able to be added or edited by admins
This would make the UI pretty complex
Surfliner had issues where different models needed different properties and they’ve extended M3 to accommodate. Classes in M3 don’t line up exactly to Hyrax.
IU defines properties on the admin set and have no descriptive metadata on the file set. There is a video that folks can watch if interested.
PRs needing review
Some frontend updates by kirkkwang · Pull Request #6847 · samvera/hyrax - Daniel will look at it