2016-12-06 Meeting notes

2016-12-06 Meeting notes


- 11am PST/2pm EST


Zoom: https://calstate.zoom.us/my/acollier


  • Roll call by timezone per following order - ensure notetaker is present

    1. folks outside North and South America
      1. Richard Jones
    2. Eastern timezone
      1. Jose Blanco
      2. Drew
    3. Central timezone
    4. Mountain timezone
    5. Pacific timezone
      1. Steve Van Tuyls
      2. Aaron Collier
      3. Josh Gum
    6. folks who were missed or who dialed in during roll call


  • Update Data Migration Status
    • Jose reports that with their deepblue project has found that when an object has lots of files, that resources in the temp directory oveload the resources. Possibly the same as I see on ingest timeout.
    • Refactoring rake job into gem.
    • Creating controlled vacbulary for academ. units to avoid collections (i.e. dspace collections)
    • Steve: Pushing comm/collection names into item level metadata. Mostly for recovery (just in case).
    • Steve: Community collection organization is for: 1) browse - due to bad search, 2) reporting/stats (but facetable when created properly)
      • Need customizable reporting tools
    • Drew: Comm/Collection - Administration purposes. I.e. workflow. 
      • Steve: this is where the work on admin_sets, display_sets and workflows is going.
      • This functionality is collapsed in dspace. In Sufia we are trying to seperate those functions through workflows, admin_sets and display_sets
  • Discuss the Display Set Working Group
  • Outline tool-kit needs for presenting at OR2017
    • Update the wiki pages with any tools you are developing related to how to migration from dspace
    • We want to present a toolkit / instruction on how we approached it and ease the migration decisions that need to be made during a migration.
  • Steve: Emails are out to devs to enter round 2 of the sprints on Mediated deposit. 12/12 - 3/?/17 - broken into 2 weeks sprints.
    • Richard looking into getting time, probably not earlier than February.
  • Project Updates:
    • Using Bag Plugin for DSpace exports. Clean dspace data structure. Wildcard - how to do the metadata cleanup, etc... Will share code. (Josh @ Oregon)
    • Richard is working on a bagit packager
    • Aaron is working on a mets packager
    • Drew has completed a dspace 1.5 to 5.6 upgrade to prepare for the migration projects at JHU.
    • Jose/Nabella updating use cases for the Display set documentation.

Discussion items

Time Item Who Notes
  Notetaker? Aaron Collier  
  Timezone Rollcall Aaron Collier  
  Data Migration Strategies Update All

Data Migration from DSpace to Hydra

  Display Set Working Group   Display Sets Working Group
  Open Repositories Proposal Update Aaron Collier, Steve Van Tuyl  

Action items
