2016-11-03 Meeting notes




  • Establish official goal for this group
  • Identify areas to improve documentation and communication
  • Schedule follow up meeting

Discussion items

Time Item Who Notes
HydraConnect 2016 Follow up Nabeela Jaffer & Steve Van Tuyl
  Active Projects: Mediated Deposit Steve Van Tuyl
  DSpace Data Migration All  
  Round Table Projects Status All  
  Meeting Schedule    


Hydra Connect 2016 Follow Up

Active Projects

  • Mediated Deposit
  • DSpace Data Migration
    • There are currently several approached to this being worked on
      • CSV Export
      • AIP Export (DSPace Packager) - Cal State.  newmanld reports that bitstream file system dates were changed in their testing and this approach was abandoned.
      • CSV to BAG (Oregon)
    • A short discussion about handles and the various needs this brings to the surface.
      • Minting new handles?
      • Maintaining/redirecting old handles?


  • How should we communicate the status of the dspace specific features and projets in order to help repository managers that would like to migrate make a decision and set a timeline?
    • We will create a wiki matrix page based on the HC2017 list of requirements with status, who's working on, implemented, etc.

Goal of this group

We discussed the need to ensure that this group primarily focuses on the various questions and needs surrounding data migration. This will help to articulate and educate interested parties to the differences of the hydra/pcdm platform and data model to that of DSpace and highlight the important components that make it an attractive choice.

Action items

  • Follow up meeting regarding data migration projects on 11/15 @ 11am.