2016-11-15 Meeting notes




  • Review of Pages created after our last meeting
  • Discuss focus of data migration as primary goal of this group.
  • Schedule follow up meeting

Discussion items

Time Item Who Notes
  Documentation & Communication  
  Data Migration Goals  


  • Introductions
  • Review of existing migration work from Cal State. Preliminary demo: http://hydra-demo.dev.calstate.edu/sufia/
  • Other work pushed until post-december, possibly looking toward the Sufia 7.3 release for admin sets and workflows.
  • What about other migration points? Contentdm?  Ryan Wick has worked with CDM migration into hydra, would this work fit into this group somehow, or should another group be looked at?


Action items

  •  Next meeting December 6th - 11am PST / 2pm EST