Metadata Call 2016-05-04

Metadata Call 2016-05-04

Time: 10:00 am PST / 1:00 pm EST

Call-In Info: +1 (641) 715 3660, access code 651025 

Moderator:  Juliet Hardesty (Indiana University) 
carolyn.hansen (U of Cincinnati)

  1. Subgroup reports
    1. Descriptive Working Group
      -Group planning to meet on Wed. May 11th
      -Discussions to focus on UCSB/UCSD data modelling project and if the Hydra community should be communicating and sharing recommendations about BIBFRAME w/ LC and BIBFRAME early adopters. There has been some concern on Twitter about the separate nature of BIBFRAME and PCDM development, as well as using multiple namespaces for duplicate predicates.
    2. MODS and RDF Descriptive Metadata Subgroup
      -working on modelling subjects in a linked data friendly way; creating draft of initial document of subject models to discuss at next meeting
      -also working on shared Hydra mapping of MODS REDF from MODS XML to MODS RDF codebase, using Curation Concerns as a base
      -wiki has information trying out Curation Concerns base (works locally, but there is a bug in Active Fedora that Steven has submitted an issue for), in a few days this should be working
    3. Applied Linked Data Working Group
      -group having problem with member attrition
      -next meeting will be Thurs. May 12 at 12pm Eastern/9am Pacific to see if there is continued interest in talking about using LOD in applications
      -group is still planning on working on LOD fragments code but won't be having official meetings if there isn't enough interest
  2. Issues/Questions
  3. Review Metadata IG Requests and Priorities
    -no updates
  4. Additional Items
    1. URI Management Working Group - call for participants out until Friday, May 6
      -about 6 people signed up so far; no concerns hard about the working group's charter so this group will get started in the next few weeks
  5. Action Items
    -Julie will send out reminders for participants for the Linked Data WG and the URI WG
    -Carolyn will start conversation about BIBFRAME within the Descriptive Metadata WG

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