Hydra Allies Interest Group

Hydra Allies Interest Group

Members: Mark Bussey, Bess Sadler


The group holds a quarterly call to identify opportunities to: 

  • Make Hydra safer from harassment
  • Encourage diversity
  • Support women and other minorities in our community

These actions may take place in many contexts, including, but not limited to:

  • Enhancing and clarifying community practice such as the Anti-Harassment Policy, or the Participant Guide
  • Arranging training or forums for discussion at local, regional, and worldwide community events
  • Actively engaging in hydra community forums (IRC, e-mail, calls) to foster more open collaboration


Planned Meetings:

Q1 2016:  February - Doodle Poll here: http://doodle.com/poll/zh42mt5kxs8w74g3

Q2 2016:  TBD

Q3 2016:  TBD (sometime before HC2016)

Q4 2016:  TBD (decide whether to continue or retired the Interest Group)


2016-10-08  Retiring the IG: Notes

Due to various other commitments and priorities, I have not had the time to invest in this group I had hoped.  However, I'm encouraged that many of the topics this group was intended to address are finding much more natural and integrated homes throughout the community.  I just attended the largest and most diverse Hydra Connect meeting yet, and am excited by:

I feel privileged to be part of a community that aspires to openness and diversity as seriously as ours does.  It makes me feel much more comfortable retiring this specific group. 


  • Mark Bussey



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