And now that it's all over

And now that it's all over

Conference de-brief

As many as possible of the conference organizers, and any other members of the Steering Group not directly involved, should get together for a conference de-brief before they go their separate ways. One or more of these people should be tasked with updating these wiki pages in the light of a new year's experience. Alternatively, if there are members of the team who would otherwise miss this de-brief it may be that a call could be scheduled for the week following the event - but it should take place whilst ideas are still fresh in peoples' minds.

Conference slide packs (and possibly video)

Slide packs should be added to the Samvera repository and linked from the program page on the wiki.  If video of sessions is available it should be added to Samvera's YouTube channel and links provided in the repository metadata.

Delegate list

The final delegate list, with emails where permission has been given, should be distributed.

Follow-up emails

Delegates should be sent a follow-up email after the event thanking them for their attendance and contributions.  The first message should include pointers to the conference notes, the delegate list (if public), the post-conference survey and a reminder of the website URL and mailing lists.  A second message should be sent to encourage a few more contributions to the survey.

Conference survey

Someone should be tasked with analyzing the post-conference survey and circulating the results.  Any "lessons learned" should be fed back into these pages. 


A brief summary of income and expenditure should be prepared as soon as all accounts have been settled.  This should be sent to the Samvera Steering Group who will arrange for an invoice to be issued so that the surplus monies can be transferred to Samvera's accounts.

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