Samvera Newspapers Interest Group Call: 2020-07-02

Samvera Newspapers Interest Group Call: 2020-07-02

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Meeting ID: 993 200 218
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Time: 1PM EST / 12PM CT / 11AM MST / 10AM PTD

FacilitatorEben English (Boston Public Library)


Etherpad: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/Samvera_Newspapers_Interest_Group__2020-07-02


Project links:


  1. NewspaperWorks project update
    1. No recent development
      1. Initial plans in December/January to have 1-week monthly sprints
      2. Neither BPL or Utah able to stick with this schedule
      3. Pandemic has been a big factor, lots of dev time going towards previously unscheduled projects to support work-from-home capabilities
    2. Future schedule
      1. Attempt to re-start efforts when Hyrax 3.0 is officially released

  2. Features with some current work
    1. Support Hyrax 3.0.0.rc* (#197)
    2. article-level batch ingest (#196)
    3. timeline visualization (#199)

  3. Priority of future work?
    1. Issue list: https://github.com/samvera-labs/newspaper_works/issues
      1. Add issues for updating testing compatibility with Hyrax >2.5.1, <3.

  4. Data modeling for article segmentation: 
    1. Need a way to store info about article coordinates on page images
      1. RDF not a good candidate for this
      2. IIIF manifest (or some discrete IIIF-compliant JSON)?
        1. goes against established pattern of generating manifest data on the fly
      3. arbitrary JSON structure?
    2. More thought/investigation needed.

  5. Intel sharing from other groups/projects
    1. UAlberta has a non-Samvera/Fedora repository (Jupiter), looking to work on newspapers soon
      1. code: https://github.com/ualbertalib/jupiter
      2. public front-end: https://era.library.ualberta.ca/
      3. BPL has a similar app in development
      4. Hoping to refactor front-end components of NewspaperWorks into separate gem (blacklight_newspapers?)
    2. BPL recently completed Zooniverse crowdsourced transcription project
      1. Zooniverse may be doing similar projects with newspapers soon
      2. Boston Phoenix?
    3. Annals of Cleveland: digital library of newspaper index produced via WPA during Great Depression, includes links to ChronAm
      1. https://www.wallandbinkley.com/projects/2019/annals-of-cleveland/

  6. Next meeting: 
    1. Thursday, September 3 2020